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2008-10-10 11:09:47


GnuPG -- GNU Privacy Guard

    * A quick intro to the high points of using GPG

GnuPG - General Info

    * GnuPG is a complete and free replacement for PGP
    * OpenPGP compliant - RFC2440
    * Version 1.0.0 in September 1999, current stable at 1.2.1
    * GPG written to avoid the the strict export restrictions of PGP, and to create a fully free version

Getting GPG

    * Source available from
    * Is packaged by distribution vendors
    * Generally requires glibc, zlib, libgdbm

Setting Up GnuPG

    * Once the package is installed, your user needs to have a public/private key pair
    * gpg will create a subdirectory, ~/.gnupg in which to keep its files
    * If you just run gpg, you will see:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg
              gpg: /home/bob/.gnupg: directory created
              gpg: /home/bob/.gnupg/options: new options file created
              gpg: you have to start GnuPG again, so it can read the new options file

      This is not your key pair, just the creation of your directory and options file

Generating Your Keys

    * gpg --gen-key
    * Key generation will ask you a number of questions
    * Type of key:

              Please select what kind of key you want:
                 (1) DSA and ElGamal (default)
                 (2) DSA (sign only)
                 (4) ElGamal (sign and encrypt)
              Your selection?

    * DSA is a public key algorithm used for creating digital signatures. It was created by NIST. Key size in DSA is 512 to 1024 bits. > 768 is adequate.
    * ElGamal is a cryptosystem that consists of both signature and encryption variants.
    * Press enter at this screen to accept the default, which is to utilize both DSA and ElGamal. If you choose to only create one or the other, the remaining keypair can be created later.
    * See RSA's Crypto FAQ for more info
    * Also see Bruce Schneier's Applied Cryptography

Generating Keys, cont'd

    * Next, you will chose the size of your ElGamal keypair
    * (DSA key is 1024 bits)

              DSA keypair will have 1024 bits.
              About to generate a new ELG-E keypair.
                        minimum keysize is  768 bits
                        default keysize is 1024 bits
              highest suggested keysize is 2048 bits
              What keysize do you want? (1024)

    * The larger your keypair, the more resistant it is to brute-force attacks
    * The larger the keypair, the longer it takes to encrypt and decrypt data
    * The default of 1024 bits is plenty, so press enter

Generating Keys, cont'd

    * Now choose an expiration date (to be used with all keypairs from the first selection)
    * We're going to say that our personal keys never expire. If you can think of a reason for expiring your keys, well, good for you

              Please specify how long the key should be valid.
                       0 = key does not expire
                      = key expires in n days
                    w = key expires in n weeks
                    m = key expires in n months
                    y = key expires in n years
              Key is valid for? (0)

    * You can change the expiration of the key later, but then you have to let everyone who has it know about the change

Generating Keys, cont'd

    * Next you will create a user ID. This ID associates your key to you, so use your real name and most common (or reliable) email address

              You need a User-ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user id
              from Real Name, Comment and Email Address in this form:
                  "Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) "


    * Enter the appropriate information for Real Name, Comment, and Email

              Real name: Bob Smith
              Email address: bob@localhost
              Comment: User Bob           
              You selected this USER-ID:
                  "Bob Smith (User Bob) "

              Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit?

    * You cannot edit your user ID later. You can, however, add additional user IDs to your keypair

Generating Keys, cont'd

    * Finally, you will be asked for your passphrase. It's a passphrase because spaces are allowed, so you can use full sentences
    * Use the longest, most complex password you have a chance of remembering
    * The passphrase is the weakest part of the cryptosystem, next to the password to your user account
    * You know the general password rules. Make a respectable passphrase that you can remember
    * If you forget your passphrase, data encrypted with this set of keys is lost. There is no way to retrieve your passphrase!

Generating Keys, cont'd

    * gpg will now create your keypair
    * Key generation requires entropy, which gpg pulls from activity on the machine
    * If the key generation is taking a while, do some work, move your mouse around, generally generate interrupts on the system
    * (generating entropy on remote and/or diskless machines may take some time -- /dev/random pulls bits from device drivers. see man 4 random)

Using Keys -- Your Keyring

    * After installing gnupg, you have two keyrings: one for your publick keys, and one for your secret (private) keys
    * By default, these are in ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg and ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg

Using Keys -- Export A Public Key

    * When you want someone to send you encrypted messages, they need to use your public key
    * To get your key out of your keyring for exporting, use the --export option to gpg
    * By default, --export will dump your public key to STDOUT in binary format
    * To get the key in a usable format, use -a for ASCII text. This is the public key format you are probably familiar with
    * For our friend bob, the output looks like

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --export -a
              -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
              Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
              Comment: For info see

              -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

    * If you have other people's keys in your keyring, you should add your id to the command:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --export -a Bob

      produces the same output as above when bob has multiple keys in his keyring

Using Keys -- Import a Public Key

    * In order to send encrypted messages to someone else, you need their key
    * You will usually find public keys on the Internet, at keyservers or on personal or corporate websites, in ASCII format
    * Let's say bob wants to import Red Hat's security public key from a keyserver. This is the key that Red Hat signs rpm packages with
    * Red Hat's public key information is on their website, which includes an ASCII dump of their key
    * bob is going to import Red Hat's key from the keyserver, however, which is He finds the key listed with a Key ID of DB42A60E
    * Using the --recv-keys option, bob gets the key directly from the server:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --recv-keys --keyserver DB42A60E
              gpg: requesting key DB42A60E from ...
              gpg: key DB42A60E: public key imported
              gpg: /home/bob/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
              gpg: Total number processed: 1
              gpg:               imported: 1

    * bob now has the key:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --list-keys
              pub  1024D/3240A1F8 2002-12-16 Bob Smith (User Bob)
              sub  1024g/C16A012B 2002-12-16

              pub  1024D/DB42A60E 1999-09-23 Red Hat, Inc
              sub  2048g/961630A2 1999-09-23


    * Now bob is going to import my key, by downloading the file from my website.
    * bob pulls my key down from my website:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ lwp-download
              1.33 KB received                                                            

    * Now bob has my public key in the file "pubkey.txt". He imports my key into his keyring:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --import pubkey.txt
              gpg: key 7776E936: public key imported
              gpg: Total number processed: 1
              gpg:               imported: 1

    * Now bob has my key, and he can encrypt things meant for me

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --list-keys
              pub  1024D/3240A1F8 2002-12-16 Bob Smith (User Bob)
              sub  1024g/C16A012B 2002-12-16

              pub  1024D/DB42A60E 1999-09-23 Red Hat, Inc
              sub  2048g/961630A2 1999-09-23

              pub  1024D/7776E936 2002-10-04 Mandi Walls
              sub  1024g/E0524E3E 2002-10-04


Using Keys -- Encrypting Data

    * Now bob is going to send me an encrypted file, hello.txt

              [bob@yohost bob]$ cat hello.txt

              how is the weather?

              it is freaking cold here.

    * bob uses the --encrypt option to encrypt the file:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --encrypt hello.txt
              You did not specify a user ID. (you may use "-r")

              Enter the user ID:
              Could not find a valid trust path to the key.  Let's see whether we
              can assign some missing owner trust values.

              No path leading to one of our keys found.

              1024g/E0524E3E 2002-10-04 "Mandi Walls "
                           Fingerprint: C1A2 F26B 5714 4DC8 CD2A  1DAC F25E D76D E052 4E3E

              It is NOT certain that the key belongs to its owner.
              If you *really* know what you are doing, you may answer
              the next question with yes

              Use this key anyway? yes

    * bob now has a file in his directory, called hello.txt.gpg which he can send to me and i can decrypt
    * This file is not stored in ASCII format by default; it is binary. To encrypt into ASCII, use gpg --encrypt -a hello.txt, which will create a file called hello.txt.asc

Using Keys -- Decrypting Data

    * I received bob's message, and have sent him a reply in the file brrr.txt.asc. This is another ASCII format file
    * bob uses the --decrypt option to decrypt the message

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --decrypt brrr.txt.asc

              You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
              user: "Bob Smith (User Bob) "
              1024-bit ELG-E key, ID 8938F5F5, created 2003-01-29 (main key ID A9187B27)

              gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit ELG-E key, ID 8938F5F5, created 2003-01-29
                    "Bob Smith (User Bob) "
              It is very cold here.  That groundhog better have good news tomorrow.

      (yes, bob's keys changed. i forgot his passphrase...)

Using Keys -- Deleting Keys

    * So, bob forgot his passphrase. There is no way to get his keys back without it
    * Bob has to delete his secret and public keys, and then generate new keys. Then he has to make sure that everyone who has his public key knows about the change
    * First, he deletes his secret key:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --delete-secret-key bob
              gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
              This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
              This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
              under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

              sec  1024D/3240A1F8 2002-12-16   Bob Smith (User Bob)

              Delete this key from the keyring? y
              This is a secret key! - really delete? y

    * Then, he deletes his public key:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --delete-key bob
              gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
              This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
              This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
              under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

              pub  1024D/3240A1F8 2002-12-16   Bob Smith (User Bob)

              Delete this key from the keyring? y

    * Then, he starts over, and creates a new key. Now his key ring looks like:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --list-keys
              pub  1024D/DB42A60E 1999-09-23 Red Hat, Inc
              sub  2048g/961630A2 1999-09-23

              pub  1024D/7776E936 2002-10-04 Mandi Walls
              sub  1024g/E0524E3E 2002-10-04

              pub  1024D/A9187B27 2003-01-29 Bob Smith (User Bob)
              sub  1024g/8938F5F5 2003-01-29


    * He hasn't lost the other keys on his keyring, just his old personal key set

Using Keys -- Revoking Keys

    * Because bob is a bit scatterbrained, he decides to create a revocation certificate for his new keys. This will allow him to revoke his old keys, and let people know about it through a keyserver
    * Bob uses --gen-revoke to create the certificate:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --gen-revoke bob

              sec  1024D/A9187B27 2003-01-29   Bob Smith (User Bob)

              Create a revocation certificate for this key? yes
              Please select the reason for the revocation:     
                1 = Key has been compromised
                2 = Key is superseded
                3 = Key is no longer used
                0 = Cancel
              (Probably you want to select 1 here)
              Your decision?
              Invalid selection.
              Your decision? 3
              Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:
              Reason for revocation: Key is no longer used
              (No description given)
              Is this okay? yes

               You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
              user: "Bob Smith (User Bob) "
              1024-bit DSA key, ID A9187B27, created 2003-01-29
              ASCII armored output forced.
              Revocation certificate created.

              Please move it to a medium which you can hide away; if Mallory gets
              access to this certificate he can use it to make your key unusable.
              It is smart to print this certificate and store it away, just in case
              your media become unreadable.  But have some caution:  The print system of
              your machine might store the data and make it available to others!
              -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
              Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
              Comment: For info see [url][/url]
              Comment: A revocation certificate should follow

              -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

    * Bob now has a revocation certificate, which he can store in a safe place in case he loses his keys
    * To actually use the certificate, bob has to import it into his keyring:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --import
              -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
              Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
              Comment: For info see [url][/url]
              Comment: A revocation certificate should follow

              -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
              gpg: key A9187B27: revocation certificate imported
              gpg: Total number processed: 1
              gpg:    new key revocations: 1

    * bob can no longer use that key:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --encrypt hello.txt
              You did not specify a user ID. (you may use "-r")

              Enter the user ID: bob
              No such user ID.      
              Enter the user ID: bob@localhost
              No such user ID.               

    * Now bob creates new keys for himself, and lets everyone know that his old keys are revoked.

Using Keys -- Checking Signatures

    * Software vendors use gpg to sign files as a mechanism more robust than MD5 sums to prove the authenticity of the files
    * Creating a signature for the file doesn't encrypt the file; it's still in its normal format, whether it is a tarfile, package, or whatever
    * You should also use gpg to check the signatures for files you download
    * Bob decides he wants to install the program "wipe", which he downloads from [url][/url]
    * Bob downloads the file wipe-2.1.0.tar.bz2.sig, which contains the signature for the file:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ cat wipe-2.1.0.tar.bz2.sig
              -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
              Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
              Comment: For info see [url][/url]

              -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    * bob uses --verify to verify the file:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --verify wipe-2.1.0.tar.bz2.sig wipe-2.1.0.tar.bz2
              gpg: Signature made Wed 14 Aug 2002 11:48:48 PM EDT using DSA key ID E6CB97DA
              gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found

    * gpg tells bob that he needs to get the public key, and it tells him the ID that generated the signature, so he can get it from the keyserver:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --recv-keys  --keyserver E6CB97DA
              gpg: requesting key E6CB97DA from ...
              gpg: key E6CB97DA: public key imported
              gpg: Total number processed: 1
              gpg:               imported: 1

    * Now bob has a new key, and can verify the wipe tarfile:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --list-keys
              pub  1024D/DB42A60E 1999-09-23 Red Hat, Inc
              sub  2048g/961630A2 1999-09-23

              pub  1024D/7776E936 2002-10-04 Mandi Walls
              sub  1024g/E0524E3E 2002-10-04

              pub  1024D/A9187B27 2003-01-29 Bob Smith (User Bob)
              sub  1024g/8938F5F5 2003-01-29

              pub  1024D/9004BC23 2003-01-29 Bob Smith (User Bob)
              sub  1024g/B5577FFB 2003-01-29

              pub  1024D/E6CB97DA 2002-02-26 Tom Vier
              uid                            Tom Vier
              sub  2048g/7A93AEDA 2002-02-26 [expires: 2004-02-26]

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --verify wipe-2.1.0.tar.bz2.sig wipe-2.1.0.tar.bz2
              gpg: Signature made Wed 14 Aug 2002 11:48:48 PM EDT using DSA key ID E6CB97DA
              gpg: Good signature from "Tom Vier "
              gpg:                 aka "Tom Vier "
              Could not find a valid trust path to the key.  Let's see whether we
              can assign some missing owner trust values.

              No path leading to one of our keys found.

              gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
              gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
              gpg: Fingerprint: DD7A 5403 4596 7F5D F2A4  7B6A 0EBC 6D84 E6CB 97DA

    * Bob could also use the gpgv command, which is a simplified version of gpg --verify but works the same way
    * bob knows that the signature is a good signature. But what's all this trust business?

Using Keys -- Signing Files

    * Bob is going to tar up his home directory and ftp it to another place. He wants to make sure the file gets there ok. Instead of using MD5sum, Bob is going to use his new friend, gpg
    * Bob is going to use an ASCII signature to sign his file. He is also going to make his signature a separate file using gpg -b -a:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg -b -a bob.tar.bz2

              You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
              user: "Bob Smith (User Bob) "
              1024-bit DSA key, ID 9004BC23, created 2003-01-29

              [bob@yohost bob]$ ls
              bob.tar.bz2      hello.txt      pubkey.txt   wipe-2.1.0.tar.bz2
              bob.tar.bz2.asc  hello.txt.asc  scripts.tar  wipe-2.1.0.tar.bz2.sig
              brrr.txt.asc     hello.txt.gpg  tmp/

    * Bob now has a separate file with the signature in it for the bob.tar.bz2 file:

              -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
              Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
              Comment: For info see [url][/url]

              -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    * This signature will verify the authenticity of his file:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --verify bob.tar.bz2.asc bob.tar.bz2
              gpg: Signature made Thu 30 Jan 2003 02:49:25 PM EST using DSA key ID 9004BC23
              gpg: Good signature from "Bob Smith (User Bob) "

    * Now, why didn't that have a message about trust?

Using gpg -- Signing Keys

    * Key signing spreads the "web of trust" for public keys
    * You sign a key when you believe that the key is authentic and belongs to the person claiming to be the owner
    * Bob knows my key belongs to me, so he is going to sign my key by using the --edit-key option:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --edit-key mandi
              gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
              This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
              This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
              under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

              pub  1024D/7776E936  created: 2002-10-04 expires: never      trust: -/q
              sub  1024g/E0524E3E  created: 2002-10-04 expires: never     
              (1). Mandi Walls

              Command> sign
              pub  1024D/7776E936  created: 2002-10-04 expires: never      trust: -/q
                          Fingerprint: 62B9 6999 9988 B437 6E78  BD66 CD1D CAAA 7776 E936

                       Mandi Walls

              Are you really sure that you want to sign this key
              with your key: "Bob Smith (User Bob) "

              Really sign? yes
              You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
              user: "Bob Smith (User Bob) "
              1024-bit DSA key, ID 9004BC23, created 2003-01-29

              Command> save

    * Bob can see what signatures have been applied to a key using the --list-sigs option. From the output from that command, bob can see tht he has successfully added his signature to my key:

              pub  1024D/7776E936 2002-10-04 Mandi Walls
              sig        7776E936 2002-10-04  Mandi Walls
              sig        A9187B27 2003-01-29  [User id not found]
              sig        9004BC23 2003-01-30  Bob Smith (User Bob)
              sub  1024g/E0524E3E 2002-10-04
              sig        7776E936 2002-10-04  Mandi Walls

    * Now that Bob has signed my key, he could upload it to the keyserver (if it was on one) and anyone else who uses my key will know that bob trusts me. They can make a personal judgement for themselves how much to trust me and how much they trust bob to carefully sign keys
    * gpg has a mechanism to assign trust values to certain keys. To see how much he trusts the keys he has, bob runs gpg --list-keys --with-colons:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --list-keys --with-colons
              pub:q:1024:17:219180CDDB42A60E:1999-09-23::64:-:Red Hat, Inc ::scESC:
              pub:f:1024:17:CD1DCAAA7776E936:2002-10-04::174:-:Mandi Walls ::scESC:
              pub:u:1024:17:DB58668A9004BC23:2003-01-29::184:-:Bob Smith (User Bob) ::scESC:
              pub:q:1024:17:0EBC6D84E6CB97DA:2002-02-26:2004-02-26:190:-:Tom Vier ::scESC:
              uid:q::::::::Tom Vier :

    * The second field of output is the level of trust bob has for the particular key
    * The trust for Red Hat's key is "q", or unknown
    * The trust for my key, is "f", or fully trusted. Bob signed my key with his signature, so he trusts my key
    * The trust for bob's own key is "u", or ultimately trusted. This can only be the case when bob has the secret key for the key pair
    * Trust of a key is calculated by gpg using an algorithm based on the number of signatures on the key
    * For a key to be considered valid, the key must either have been signed by bob, been signed by one key fully trusted by bob, or have been signed by 3 keys marginally trusted by bob. Also, the path from bob's key to that key has to be 5 steps or less
    * Bob noticed from the copious output of the --list-sigs command that Red Hat's key has been signed by several dozen other keys. He checks it out at and sees the names of all the people who have signed Red Hat's key
    * Bob thinks maybe he could increase the trust on Red Hat's key in his own keyring using the --edit-key option, even though his key doesn't link back to Red Hat's key:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --edit-key redhat
              gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
              This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
              This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
              under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

              pub  1024D/DB42A60E  created: 1999-09-23 expires: never      trust: -/q
              sub  2048g/961630A2  created: 1999-09-23 expires: never     
              (1). Red Hat, Inc

              Command> trust
              pub  1024D/DB42A60E  created: 1999-09-23 expires: never      trust: -/q
              sub  2048g/961630A2  created: 1999-09-23 expires: never     
              (1). Red Hat, Inc

              Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly
              verify other users' keys (by looking at passports,
              checking fingerprints from different sources...)?

               1 = Don't know
               2 = I do NOT trust
               3 = I trust marginally
               4 = I trust fully
               s = please show me more information
               m = back to the main menu

              Your decision? 3
              pub  1024D/DB42A60E  created: 1999-09-23 expires: never      trust: m/q
              sub  2048g/961630A2  created: 1999-09-23 expires: never     
              (1). Red Hat, Inc

              Command> save

    * Bob plays it conservative and trusts Red Hat's key marginally. After all, he doesn't know any of the people who have signed Red Hat's key, even if there are a lot of them. Though, he did notice that Red Hat's key was signed by Peter Jones, whose key was signed by Hunter Matthews, whose key was signed by Theodore Ts'o, Kerberos team lead at MIT and kernel hacker. Damn that's cool. Bob is such a lamer, no one has signed his key

Using Keys -- A Keysigning! A Keysigning!

    * A keysigning party is a way to bring a lot of people together to sign each other's keys
    * Sign keys first, then party... ;)
    * Bob gets the fingerprint for his key to send to the party coordinator:

              [bob@yohost bob]$ gpg --fingerprint bob
              pub  1024D/9004BC23 2003-01-29 Bob Smith (User Bob)
                   Key fingerprint = FC62 5CF4 8A83 4B10 54BA  8D40 DB58 668A 9004 BC23
              sub  1024g/B5577FFB 2003-01-29

    * While at the party, bob will get a list of fingerprints for other people's keys, and verify the identity of those people using driver's licenses, passports, or other trustworthy photo identification
    * When bob gets home, he can download all the keys, verify the fingerprints, and sign the keys. Then he sends them back up to the keyserver. Voila! bob has signed keys and has had other people sign his key!
    * Now bob is going to sleep off his hangover. What a party!

GPG and Email

    * When working with email, there are two ways to add gpg into the mix: clearsigning messages and encrypting messages
    * A clearsigned message is useful when you want to guarantee that people know who the message was sent by, but don't want/need to encrypt the data
    * The signature is based on your key and the content of your message
    * Your email reader will render the clearsigned message in such a way that you know the message was signed. Under pine, it looks like:

              Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 11:22:12 -0500 (EST)
              From: Mandi
              Subject: testing clearsign

              -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
              Hash: SHA1

              testing clearsign

              -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
              Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
              Comment: For info see [url][/url]

              -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

      Or it could be an attachment, with a message appearing at the bottom of the message:

              Some Dude - [email][/email] - [email][/email] - [url]~sdude[/url]
              Private personal mail: use PGP key 12345678; more sensitive data? Use 09876543

                  [ Part 2, Application/PGP-SIGNATURE  240bytes. ]
                      [ Cannot display this part. Press "V" then "S" to save in a file. ]

    * When a message is to be encrypted, you'll need to use the email address associated with that key. People may add email addresses to their main key or generate new keys for each of their addresses
    * When you choose to send an encrypted message, your email client will search your gpg keyring for the correct key for the receiver's email address.

More Information on Specific Email Clients

    * emacs:
          o [url][/url] is a lisp package for incorporating PGP/GPG into emacs
    * mutt:
          o [url][/url]
          o by default, mutt has PGP (and, therefore, GPG) support compiled in, and gpg directives can be added to your .muttrc file
          o see section "XIV. Configuring Mutt For Use With GnuPG" of the above for more info
    * pine:
          o There are a few different packages that aid pine users with encryption
          o Pine comes with pinegpg filters for encrypting and decrypting, signing and verifying
          o Pine Privacy Guard [url][/url] is a perl script that works as input and output filters to pine and is useful on older versions of pine
    * mozilla and netscape:
          o EnigMail [url][/url] is a plugin that works with Mozilla 1.0.x and Netscape 7
          o It works with commandline gpg or pgp programs
    * Evolution:
          o Evolution supports gpg as well. The Evolution user's guide at [url][/url] has more information.
          o When encrypting or signing a message with Evolution, choose PGP Encrypt or PGP Sign from the Security menu
    * Kmail:
          o For Kmail PGP/GPG settings, go to Settings->Configure Kmail->Security->PGP
          o Add your PGP user identity to the Identity page of Configure
          o You can click the "Help" button for the KDE and KMail help files

Other GPG Resources

    * GPG Mini-HOWTO, [url][/url]
    * gnupg homepage, [url][/url] Check the FAQ.


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