NOTE : platform 很多人将它翻译成平台,未尝不可,但个人觉得怪怪的,这里这个名词,还是直接用作platform。
Platform Devices and Drivers
See for the driver model interface to the
platform bus: platform_device, and platform_driver. This pseudo-bus
is used to connect devices on busses with minimal infrastructure,
like those used to integrate peripherals on many system-on-chip
processors, or some "legacy" PC interconnects; as opposed to large
formally specified ones like PCI or USB.
Platform devices
Platform devices are devices that typically appear as autonomous
entities in the system. This includes legacy port-based devices and
host bridges to peripheral buses, and most controllers integrated
into system-on-chip platforms. What they usually have in common
is direct addressing from a CPU bus. Rarely, a platform_device will
be connected through a segment of some other kind of bus; but its
registers will still be directly addressable.
Platform devices are given a name, used in driver binding, and a
list of resources such as addresses and IRQs.
Platform 设备和驱动
关于platform 总线的驱动模型接口在 中:platform_device 和platform_driver . 这条虚拟总线是用于连接设备到小系统,像那些片上系统用于外围设备整合在一起的,或者一些”过气”的PC内部连接;相对于那些大型正式的PCI 或 USB接口。
Platform 设备
struct platform_device {
const char *name;
u32 id;
struct device dev;
u32 num_resources;
struct resource *resource;
Platform drivers
Platform drivers follow the standard driver model convention, where
discovery/enumeration is handled outside the drivers, and drivers
provide probe() and remove() methods. They support power management
and shutdown notifications using the standard conventions.
struct platform_driver {
int (*probe)(struct platform_device *);
int (*remove)(struct platform_device *);
void (*shutdown)(struct platform_device *);
int (*suspend)(struct platform_device *, pm_message_t state);
int (*suspend_late)(struct platform_device *, pm_message_t state);
int (*resume_early)(struct platform_device *);
int (*resume)(struct platform_device *);
struct device_driver driver;
Note that probe() should general verify that the specified device hardware
actually exists; sometimes platform setup code can't be sure. The probing
can use device resources, including clocks, and device platform_data.
Platform drivers register themselves the normal way:
int platform_driver_register(struct platform_driver *drv);
Or, in common situations where the device is known not to be hot-pluggable,
the probe() routine can live in an init section to reduce the driver's
runtime memory footprint:
int platform_driver_probe(struct platform_driver *drv,
int (*probe)(struct platform_device *))
Platform 驱动
平台驱动是按照标准的驱动模型协议来的,列举/枚举都是在驱动之外实现的,驱动只是提供probe()和remove() 方法,在驱动加载与卸载时调用。支持标准的电源管理和关机通知。
struct platform_driver {
int (*probe)(struct platform_device *);
int (*remove)(struct platform_device *);
void (*shutdown)(struct platform_device *);
int (*suspend)(struct platform_device *, pm_message_t state);
int (*suspend_late)(struct platform_device *, pm_message_t state);
int (*resume_early)(struct platform_device *);
int (*resume)(struct platform_device *);
struct device_driver driver;
注意,probe()一般需要验证设备硬件的真实存在;有时候平台设置代码不能确定。Probe 可以使用设备资源,包括时钟,平台设备的platform_data(这个用来传递资源,将device 与 driver建立起一种联系)
int platform_driver_register(struct platform_driver *drv);
int platform_driver_probe(struct platform_driver *drv,
int (*probe)(struct platform_device *))
Device Enumeration
As a rule, platform specific (and often board-specific) setup code will
register platform devices:
int platform_device_register(struct platform_device *pdev);
int platform_add_devices(struct platform_device **pdevs, int ndev);
The general rule is to register only those devices that actually exist,
but in some cases extra devices might be registered. For example, a kernel
might be configured to work with an external network adapter that might not
be populated on all boards, or likewise to work with an integrated controller
that some boards might not hook up to any peripherals.
In some cases, boot firmware will export tables describing the devices
that are populated on a given board. Without such tables, often the
only way for system setup code to set up the correct devices is to build
a kernel for a specific target board. Such board-specific kernels are
common with embedded and custom systems development.
In many cases, the memory and IRQ resources associated with the platform
device are not enough to let the device's driver work. Board setup code
will often provide additional information using the device's platform_data
field to hold additional information.
Embedded systems frequently need one or more clocks for platform devices,
which are normally kept off until they're actively needed (to save power).
System setup also associates those clocks with the device, so that that
calls to clk_get(&pdev->dev, clock_name) return them as needed.
int platform_device_register(struct platform_device *pdev);
int platform_add_devices(struct platform_device **pdevs, int ndev);
在许多情况下,将内存和IRQ 资源与平台设备关联起来,还不足以让设备驱动工作起来。所以在板级设置代码中,经常通过platform_data 来传递一些其他的附加信息。
嵌入式系统平台设备经常需要一个到多个时钟,经常是直到需要激活时才激活(不需要时不激活,低功耗)。系统设置中也会关联那些设备时钟,通过调用clk_get(&pdev->dev, clock_name)来得返回。
Legacy Drivers: Device Probing
Some drivers are not fully converted to the driver model, because they take
on a non-driver role: the driver registers its platform device, rather than
leaving that for system infrastructure. Such drivers can't be hotplugged
or coldplugged, since those mechanisms require device creation to be in a
different system component than the driver.
The only "good" reason for this is to handle older system designs which, like
original IBM PCs, rely on error-prone "probe-the-hardware" models for hardware
configuration. Newer systems have largely abandoned that model, in favor of
bus-level support for dynamic configuration (PCI, USB), or device tables
provided by the boot firmware (e.g. PNPACPI on x86). There are too many
conflicting options about what might be where, and even educated guesses by
an operating system will be wrong often enough to make trouble.
This style of driver is discouraged. If you're updating such a driver,
please try to move the device enumeration to a more appropriate location,
outside the driver. This will usually be cleanup, since such drivers
tend to already have "normal" modes, such as ones using device nodes that
were created by PNP or by platform device setup.
None the less, there are some APIs to support such legacy drivers. Avoid
using these calls except with such hotplug-deficient drivers.
struct platform_device *platform_device_alloc(
const char *name, int id);
You can use platform_device_alloc() to dynamically allocate a device, which
you will then initialize with resources and platform_device_register().
A better solution is usually:
struct platform_device *platform_device_register_simple(
const char *name, int id,
struct resource *res, unsigned int nres);
You can use platform_device_register_simple() as a one-step call to allocate
and register a device.
Device Naming and Driver Binding
The platform_device.dev.bus_id is the canonical name for the devices.
It's built from two components:
* platform_device.name ... which is also used to for driver matching.
* platform_device.id ... the device instance number, or else "-1"
to indicate there's only one.
These are concatenated, so name/id "serial"/0 indicates bus_id "serial.0", and
"serial/3" indicates bus_id "serial.3"; both would use the platform_driver
named "serial". While "my_rtc"/-1 would be bus_id "my_rtc" (no instance id)
and use the platform_driver called "my_rtc".
Driver binding is performed automatically by the driver core, invoking
driver probe() after finding a match between device and driver. If the
probe() succeeds, the driver and device are bound as usual. There are
three different ways to find such a match:
- Whenever a device is registered, the drivers for that bus are
checked for matches. Platform devices should be registered very
early during system boot.
- When a driver is registered using platform_driver_register(), all
unbound devices on that bus are checked for matches. Drivers
usually register later during booting, or by module loading.
- Registering a driver using platform_driver_probe() works just like
using platform_driver_register(), except that the driver won't
be probed later if another device registers. (Which is OK, since
this interface is only for use with non-hotpluggable devices.)
统组件方式来创建设备。这个唯一 “好”的原因是处理老式系统设计,像IBM PCs,依靠易错“探测硬件”模型来配置硬件。新的系统已经放弃了这种方式,而被动态配置(PCI,USB),或由启动固件提供的设备表
(PNPACPI on x86)。这里有太多的冲突会带来麻烦,关于可能会在哪里,甚至操作系统合理的猜测出错。(没搞懂)
struct platform_device *platform_device_alloc(
const char *name, int id);
struct platform_device *platform_device_register_simple(
const char *name, int id,
struct resource *res, unsigned int nres);
Device Naming and Driver Binding
The platform_device.dev.bus_id is the canonical name for the devices.
It's built from two components:
* platform_device.name ... which is also used to for driver matching.
* platform_device.id ... the device instance number, or else "-1"
to indicate there's only one.
These are concatenated, so name/id "serial"/0 indicates bus_id "serial.0", and
"serial/3" indicates bus_id "serial.3"; both would use the platform_driver
named "serial". While "my_rtc"/-1 would be bus_id "my_rtc" (no instance id)
and use the platform_driver called "my_rtc".
Driver binding is performed automatically by the driver core, invoking
driver probe() after finding a match between device and driver. If the
probe() succeeds, the driver and device are bound as usual. There are
three different ways to find such a match:
- Whenever a device is registered, the drivers for that bus are
checked for matches. Platform devices should be registered very
early during system boot.
- When a driver is registered using platform_driver_register(), all
unbound devices on that bus are checked for matches. Drivers
usually register later during booting, or by module loading.
- Registering a driver using platform_driver_probe() works just like
using platform_driver_register(), except that the driver won't
be probed later if another device registers. (Which is OK, since
this interface is only for use with non-hotpluggable devices.)
platform_device.dev.bus_id 是设备规范的名字。两个组件中被建立:
* platform_device.name ... which is also used to for driver matching.
* platform_device.id ... the device instance number, or else "-1"
to indicate there's only one.
这些都是级联的,所以name/id "serial"/0 表明bus_id "serial.0",
"serial/3" 表明bus_id "serial.3";platform_driver 都将命名为 "serial"。当"my_rtc"/-1 应该对应的是bus_id "my_rtc"(没有实例ID),platform_driver也将使用"my_rtc"。
Early Platform Devices and Drivers
The early platform interfaces provide platform data to platform device
drivers early on during the system boot. The code is built on top of the
early_param() command line parsing and can be executed very early on.
Example: "earlyprintk" class early serial console in 6 steps
1. Registering early platform device data
The architecture code registers platform device data using the function
early_platform_add_devices(). In the case of early serial console this
should be hardware configuration for the serial port. Devices registered
at this point will later on be matched against early platform drivers.
2. Parsing kernel command line
The architecture code calls parse_early_param() to parse the kernel
command line. This will execute all matching early_param() callbacks.
User specified early platform devices will be registered at this point.
For the early serial console case the user can specify port on the
kernel command line as "earlyprintk=serial.0" where "earlyprintk" is
the class string, "serial" is the name of the platform driver and
0 is the platform device id. If the id is -1 then the dot and the
id can be omitted.
3. Installing early platform drivers belonging to a certain class
The architecture code may optionally force registration of all early
platform drivers belonging to a certain class using the function
early_platform_driver_register_all(). User specified devices from
step 2 have priority over these. This step is omitted by the serial
driver example since the early serial driver code should be disabled
unless the user has specified port on the kernel command line.
4. Early platform driver registration
Compiled-in platform drivers making use of early_platform_init() are
automatically registered during step 2 or 3. The serial driver example
should use early_platform_init("earlyprintk", &platform_driver).
5. Probing of early platform drivers belonging to a certain class
The architecture code calls early_platform_driver_probe() to match
registered early platform devices associated with a certain class with
registered early platform drivers. Matched devices will get probed().
This step can be executed at any point during the early boot. As soon
as possible may be good for the serial port case.
6. Inside the early platform driver probe()
The driver code needs to take special care during early boot, especially
when it comes to memory allocation and interrupt registration. The code
in the probe() function can use is_early_platform_device() to check if
it is called at early platform device or at the regular platform device
time. The early serial driver performs register_console() at this point.
For further information, see .
例如:"earlyprintk" 在六点关于早期调试串口控制台。
1 .注册早期平台设备数据
2 .解析内核命令行
体系结构相关的代码调用parse_early_param()去解析内核命令行。这将执行所有匹配early_param()回调函数。在这个时候用户指定的早阶段的平台设备将被注册。早阶段的串口控制台,用户可以在内核命令行中指定串口端口,"earlyprintk=serial.0" 。"serial"是平台驱动的名字,0是平台的设备ID。如果ID是-1,那么那个点和id将被忽略。
3 .安装早期平台驱动
4 .早阶段平台驱动注册
5 .探测早阶段平台驱动
6 .在早阶段平台驱动probe
驱动代码在早阶段的启动过程需要特别留意,特别是内存分配,中断注册等。在probe ()函数中代码,可以调用early_platform_device()来检查该设备是早阶段平台设备,还是一般的平台设备。早期的串口驱动在这个时候是调用register_console() 。
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