采用的搜索引擎SliceSearch建设的上线几个月了,用户点击量逐日上升。文章概括地解释了基于语义结构知识库建立的异构数据对象搜索引擎的独特的优点和用户体验:基于语义推荐的搜索结果提炼(drill down),突破了以数据库查询接口为特征的垂直搜索只能存储和展现同构数据的局限,同时,保持了垂直搜索的高查准率的用户体验。
What Twine has done, basically, is speed up the rate at which it can look at a raw Web page and
create semantic metadata for it. Bing sometimes does this via natural language processing,
through the technology it bought with Powerset. That takes a lot of computation. It also
employs other methods. Twine’s approach is more to create a set of semantic tags for each page.
可见,虽然用户体验类似,但是,底层技术路线的差别还是很大的。语义搜索是个新事物,有充分的想象空间和实践机会,也许新的技术路线会不断涌现, MetaSeeker和Twine走的以语义结构知识库为基础的技术路线同Bing走的以自然语言处理为基础的路线相比,孰优孰劣,用户说了算。