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2008-09-25 16:11:39

Battery charging process hang up.
Reporting time: 08:00 A.M now.

[@more@]Checking internal battery ... [OK]
Checking primary processing unit ... [OK]
Type: Soul Extreme 1231
Temperature: 309 K
Checking subsidiary processing units ... [OK]
Checking semi-conductor memory ... [OK]
Checking Magnetic storage ... [OK]
Minimum set of kernel modules running fine.
Load other kernel modules based on the configuration.
Loading operating system ...
Humanix OS 4.1 ready.
Unshelter optical sensors. Start optical sensing module.
Start touching sensing module.
Start aural sensing module.
Start olfaction sensing module.
Start taste sensing module.
All sensors ready.
Load vocal driver.
Load body drivers.
Set power level "FULL".
Loading identification data. Indentity confirming:
ID: 2D021513500B1F
Alias: Humanbot
Type: NS-5 Plus, trial version 3.0
Type ID: NS-5-P-Tr-3
Human indentity: [name] Illidan, [gender] male, [age] 20
Loading social relations ... [OK]
Relation summary:
Jenny: girl friend.
Applied policy: Satisfy her personal tendency.
Current misson: To go shopping downtown with her. Execute time: 13:00, May 2
Jason: good friend
Applied policy: void.
Current misson: To go play virtual battle game with him. Execute time: 21:00, May 3
Loading social rules ... [OK]
Social rules digest:
When passing the switch point of the physical transport networks on foot, take action based on the traffic light.
When meeting acquaintance, execute "smiling" policy. Based on the situation vector, select sentences in human language according to a random algorithm and transfer them to the vocal module.
Contacting GPS ... confirming positioning information ...
Position parameters:
New York, physical transport networks efficiency: low , information transport networks efficiency: high
Setting Locale ...
Default language: English(us.EN).
Backup language: Chinese(zh.CN), French(fr.FR)
Human language database returns "OK".

Initialization ready ...

Project: Test of Assimilating Human-Like Robots into Human Society
Project Manager: Abraham MAXWELL
Project Type: Top Secret
File Type: Log
File Name: 21050531_summary.log
File Data: May 31, 2105
File Keeper(s): Abraham MAXWELL, Engineer, Product Integrated Test Dep.
Forward to: William ROBINSON, Chief Executive Officer
Mary KELVIN, Engineer, Robotic Psychology Analysis Dep.
Note: the detail log data is in 21050531_detail.archive, 2105


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