Mythbuntu是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,它是一张自启动运行光盘,着眼于构建一份单独的MythTV系统,这与KnoppMyth或 Mythdora类似。它可以被用于安装一份独立的前端或后端或组合机器。Mythbuntu采用Xfce作为缺省桌面,它提供一份图形化的控制中心来配置系统。

The first alpha release of Mythbuntu 8.10, a project developing an easy-to-use MythTV system based on Ubuntu, is out: "Today we are introducing the first Mythbuntu 'Intrepid Ibex' alpha release: Mythbuntu 8.10 alpha 4. It is very important to note that this release is not compatible with Mythbuntu 7.10 or any other MythTV 0.20.2-based distribution. Changes from Mythbuntu 8.04: default guided partitioning - the guided partitioning tool in the installer will now default to XFS instead of ext3; Mythbuntu Apple trailers - the Apple trailer plugin has been forked and is now being kept by our very own 'foxbuntu', it is installable from MCC or Synaptic and accessible from the front-end; stability - lots of bug fixes across the board in Ubiquity and Mythbuntu control centre, several MythTV bugs that were sent upstream got fixed." Here is the full release announcement. Download the live CD images from here: (601MB, ), (639MB, ).


