一个免费的开放源代码天文类软件,通过它你不仅可以鸟瞰地球,还可以畅游太阳系,以 及其它多达10万颗星,甚至是银河系以外的星座.你可以远观星云,也可以近看飞行器.所有的查看和缩放都非常平滑.Celestia 包含了巨大的天文数据库,包括恒星,行星,卫星,彗星以及太空船;如果原带的这些库还不能满足你,你可以方便的下载和安装扩展信息库.Celestia虽然是英文软件,但操作并不复杂,甚至可以通过快捷键控制.[F8>开始运行,按1~9是快捷键,代表九大行星,再按“G”可以飞到你想要的行星了.空格键是暂停和恢复.“K”和“L”是时间加速和减速.“O”是显示轨道.上下左右控制方向.


  • Added fonts for Russian, Chinese, and Japanese
  • Updated translations
  • Fixed date formatting for non-UTF8 locales
  • Fixed crash for dates prior to JD -1.5 when local format is used
  • Fixed star rendering for Macs with ATI graphics hardware (worked around a driver bug in point sprite support.)
  • Fixed star glare clipping bug
  • Fixed bug that caused some stars to be drawn untextured
  • Fixed faster/slower options in the Windows time menu to adjust time by 10x instead of 2x
  • Fixed translation of time acronyms DST and STD
  • Use localized versions of start script, guide, demo, license, and controls file from locale directory
  • Fixed Windows 98/ME input problem; most keyboard commands weren't working on the OSes
  • Made Lua os functions available from celx scripts when access policy is "ask"


A view of Earth from far out in space. A closeup of the space shuttle Discovery in orbit over Florida; this shot demonstrates Celestia's virtual texture feature for extremely high resolution mapping of planets.
Looking down at Mars's tiny moon Phobos and the giant Valles Marineris rift valley. The 1989 flyby of Neptune by Voyager 2--last stop before leaving the solar system.
Saturn and its rings. Dark shadows cast by the rings are visible in the top hemisphere of Saturn. Jupiter and its large moon Europa. The surface of Europa is mostly water ice and full of cracks created by tidal stresses.
The recently discovered extrasolar planet Rho Cancri e, one of a system of at least four planets. Rho Cancri b is visible just to the right of e. The orbits of a number of main belt asteroids (in brown) plotted togeter with major planet orbits (in blue).



