BLAG是一份基于Fedora Core的Linux发行,它被裁减为只有一张光盘的容量。它还包含了Fedora Core中不具备的有价值的应用软件(如mp3、p2p、apt等),以及一套图形、互联网、音频、视频、办公和peer-to-peer文件共享方面的应用。BLAG在发布时按照Fedora的勘误表进行了最新的修正,它采用synaptic来方便地升级。BLAG的名字代表Brixton Linux Action Group,其努力的目标是依靠社区力量在信息技术方面摆脱某些公司的控制,并将自由软件发扬光大。

Jeff Moe announced a bug fix release of BLAG Linux And GNU labeled as 90001, a single-CD desktop distribution based on Fedora: "It comes on a single CD (684 megs), is easily installed, and user friendly. This release follows quickly on the heels of BLAG 90000, as there were a few annoying issues with that, some of which have been sorted, such as some broken dependencies. A number of packages have been added to the CD, some of which appeared in earlier blag releases, such as: bittorrent, freej, gcc, gqview, gthumb, thunderbird, vnc-server, xchat. The CD has 97 package updates including a new kernel-libre-, firefox 3.0.1, gnome/gtk2/nautilus packages, pidgin, xorg and more... Known issues with this release: Use yum instead of apt, or uncomment GPG line in /etc/apt/apt.conf (or install those keys); Automajick kickstart installs are not currently available; On some installs you have to hit ctrl-alt-f7 after firstboot when you add a user; this is only needed the first time." Read the complete release announcement for further details. : (684MB, , ).


