
VirtuaWin工作组很高兴宣布VirtuaWin(Windows平台的虚拟桌面管理器) v4.0.1的发布。
* 1924256 Moved the on-line help over to MS HTML help (chm). 
* 1938548 Fixed systray icon tooltip when VW is disabled. 
* 1936226 Up-dated Setup About copyright to 2008 
* 1926893 Fixed ignore activation event flashing all linked windows. 
* 1930012 Fixed hidden explorer activation issue. 
* 1928095 Added WM_CLOSE message handler prompting user if they want VW to exit 
* 1926902 Fixed link window logic bug in window list menu. 
* 1923412 Added hotkeys for moving windows Left right up down and added enable toggle hotkey command. 
* 1917996 Fixed hiding of FeedReader when maximized 
* 1915723 Documented retirement of VW_WINLIST module message 
* 1919023 Changed compact window list column cycling so all columns can be accessed 
* 1921289 Changed the location of hidden VW window to avoid problem with Multimon 
* 1926160 Stored flag for forced unmanaged windows and made its children unmanaged. 
* 1926899 Added new VW_WINMANAGE module message to allow modules to force VW to (not) manage a window 
* 1944158 1901457 Documented external interface & window list menus 
* Added default window rules for Excel & AdobeAcrobat to address their main window taskbar button behaviour. 
