Ultima Linux是基于Slackware的Linux发行,它被设计为易于安装和使用。它包含了一份自动升级工具“ulupdate”,能极大地简化将系统与最新软件保持同步的操作。

Martin Ultima has announced the availability of the second beta release of Ultima Linux 8.4, a Slackware-inspired distribution for desktops and servers: "This is planned as the last beta release before 8.4 final. All packages are built (although most are only available from the repository, not on the CD); various bugs -- including ATI drivers, CD-ROM permissions and symbolic links, installation issues -- have been fixed; stability has, for the most part, been vastly improved. There have been a few minor package updates, but hopefully not enough to cause massive breakage (still kernel, GCC 4.3.0, glibc 2.7, KDE 3.5.9). I'd actually release this as final, except there's a couple small bugs (CD eject on shutdown) remaining, as well as a pretty big one with Broadcom wireless cards." For more information please see the release announcement and release notes. : (681MB, ), (698MB, ).


