SystemRescueCd是一份可启动光盘Linux系统,它用于在崩溃后修复系统及数据。它的另一个目标是为在你的计算机上完成管理任务提供方便,例如创建和修改硬盘分区。它包含了大量的系统实用工具(parted、partimage、fstools等)及基本软件(编辑器、midnight commander,网络工具)。它面向易用性,只要从光盘引导你就可以做任何事情了。其内核支持大多数最重要的文件系统(ext2/ext3、 reiserfs、xfs、jfs、vfat、ntfs、iso9660),以及网络系统(samba和nfs)。SystemRescueCd基于 Gentoo LiveCd。
SystemRescueCd 1.1.0, a major new version of the popular hard disk partitioning and data rescue live CD, has been released. What's new? "New features introduced in SystemRescueCd-1.1.0: advanced customization - you can now install new packages to SystemRescueCd by doing an advanced customization; kernel recompilation - there is new documentation about building a customized SystemRescueCd with your own kernel; backstore - this tool allows you to keep your changes when you reboot SystemRescueCd; nameif - this tool allows you to specify the name of each Ethernet interface using the Mac address; rsync tutorial - new documentation about how to use rsync; added development tools (GCC, make) and Gentoo tools (emerge, equery); ability to install your own packages using the Gentoo commands (emerge)..." These are just some of the most interesting changes, but there are many more, please read the full changelog for additional details. : (233MB, ).


