是的,Puppy Linux是另外一种Linux发行。它的不同之处在于,Puppy是格外的小,然而又充满了特性。Puppy能从64M的存储设备启动,并且,整套系统都能在内存中运行。有很多自启动运行光盘的Linux发行,它们需要不停地从光盘读取数据才能运行,Puppy与它们不一样,Puppy整个装载在内存中。这意味着,所有的应用程序一眨眼的功夫就能启动,并且立即对用户的输入作出响应。Puppy Linux能从flash卡或者是任何的USB存储设备启动(这是flash-Puppy),或者光盘(这是live-Puppy),或者Zip disk及LS/120/240 Superdisk(这是zippy-Puppy),或者软盘(这是floppy-Puppy),或者硬盘(这是hard-Puppy)。它甚至可以使用一张多区段烧录的CD-R/DVD-R以将所有内容保存回CD/DVD中。
Barry Kauler has announced the final release of Puppy Linux 4.00, a major updated of the minimalist desktop distribution: "Finally it has happened! The last 'official' release of Puppy was version 3.01, released October 15, 2007. Version 4.00 is happening 6 months later, which is an incredibly long time considering the previous frenetic schedule of releases. A summary of milestones: 4.00 has been totally compiled from source, using the T2-project; GTK+ 1.x and Tcl/Tk abandoned; exciting new GTK+ 2.x applications; scanner support and digital camera support are now built-in to the 'standard' live CD; theming of GTK+, JWM window manager and desktop background has been totally revised; numerous hardware-related and system-related improvements...." Read the rest of the detailed release notes for further information. : (87.1MB, ).


