在GPL许可下,对于Windows来说,Moon Secure Antivirus争取成为最好的免费杀毒软件.它提供多种扫描引擎,网络保护及防火墙.
这一版本的提供了更完整的GUI并可选择不同等级的扫描能力,不过对Windows Vista的UAC兼容还不行.

Changes in Version 2:
- We have released version 2 of Moon Secure AV, it has an advanced GUI and allows the user to have a lot more control over what the antivirus does. There are also added features e.g. heuristic scanning and different levels of custom scans. Please do not use on production machines, however please test and let us know of any problems. There are still a few problems with Windows Vista however you can get round them currently by disabling UAC.




