PC/OS是一份用户用好的基于Xubuntu的桌面和服务器Linux发行。它的一些最有趣特性包括即刻可用的对流行多媒体格式的支持,Flash和 Java,增加了一些软件包以用于多媒体创作、内容制作和软件开发,以及像BeOS的桌面主题。PC/OS提供多种形式,包括 OpenWorkstation CD/DVD、OpenServer和OpenWorkstation Appliance。
PC/OS is a user-friendly distribution based on Xubuntu, with out-of-the-box support for popular multimedia formats, Flash and Java, and addition of packages for content creation and software development. An updated release, version 2008v2, was announced yesterday: "We are proud to announce the general availability of PC/OS 2008v2. This update brings to PC/OS all the bug fixes and distribution updates for Ubuntu 8.04.1, as well as separate application updates for some of the installed packages. Some of the highlights of the client release are: Linux kernel 2.6.24; Flock browser replaces Firefox; MPlayer and GNOME MPlayer replace Movie Player; Audacious and gtkpod replace Rhythmbox; Screenlets 1.4 are now included; for dial-up users GNOME PPP is included. We have also included Picasa for photo management and Google Gears for offline access to Google Applications." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. the OpenWorkstation DVD from here: (1,033MB, ).


