Linux中文文件名转码工具 convmv
USAGE: convmv [options] FILE(S)
-f enc encoding *from* which should be converted
-t enc encoding *to* which should be converted
-r recursively go through directories
-i interactive mode (ask for each action)
--nfc target files will be normalization form C for UTF-8 (Linux etc.)
--nfd target files will be normalization form D for UTF-8 (OS X etc.)
--qfrom be quiet about the "from" of a rename (if it screws up your terminal e.g.)
--qto be quiet about the "to" of a rename (if it screws up your terminal e.g.)
--exec c execute command instead of rename (use #1 and #2 and see man page)
--list list all available encodings
--lowmem keep memory footprint low (see man page)
--nosmart ignore if files already seem to be UTF-8 and convert if posible
--notest actually do rename the files
--replace will replace files if they are equal
--unescape convert%20ugly%20escape%20sequences
--upper turn to upper case
--lower turn to lower case
--help print this help
shell$> convmv -f gbk -t utf-8 filename --notest
[ 本帖最后由 loujch 于 2008-9-12 22:18 编辑 ]
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