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2010-10-12 10:22:23

WHERE IS YOUR CAR SO WE CAN TURN IT OVER AND SET IT AFIRE We are a nation in which Jose Bautista becomes the first Blue Jay in love history to hit 50 home runs, and he does it in a 1-0 win against pretty much the best pitcher in baseball, and TSN opens SportsCentre with pre-season hockey highlights.

We are a nation in which Leafs coach Ron Wilson says draft pick Nazem Kadri will be a superstar, and the Leafs hang a large picture of Kadri in the media centre, and then the Leafs complain about the sense of entitlement that players get when playing for the Toronto Maple Leafs. We are a nation that puts Darryl Sutter in charge of a multi-million dollar budget, and keeps him there. We are a nation that boos exhibitions games, trying to ascribe meaning to the meaningless.

"We care," you say. "It's our game," you shout. "WHERE IS YOUR CAR SO WE CAN TURN IT OVER AND SET IT AFIRE," you howl, rapping your sharpened hockey stick off your NHL official replica helmet.
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