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2010-09-20 14:41:27

YouTube and Guggenheim showcase video artists The Guggenheim museum has teamed with YouTube in a partnership that reflects the growing influence of new media as an art form.

The two organizations have created "YouTube Play" to discover and showcase artists working in online video.

On Monday, a short list of 125 artists and their videos was unveiled on and at kiosks at the Guggenheim's New York, Berlin, Venice and Bilboa locations. They were selected from more than 23,000 submissions to YouTube from 91 countries.

Nancy Spector, deputy director and chief curator of the Guggenheim Foundation, told Reuters the museum was drawn to the project because they were fascinated by "the idea of looking at how online video is emerging as an art form in its own right."

"It's a question, not a declaration," she said. "So therefore it's worth exploring."

YouTube Play is the latest effort by the video-sharing website to push the boundaries of various forms of art and follows the YouTube Symphony Orchestra and the film project "Life in a Day".

A jury of 11 -- among them filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, U.S. musicians Animal Collective and Japanese visual why artist Takashi Murakami -- will narrow down the 125 videos to the final 20.
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