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2010-08-26 09:57:58

An "Israeli cultural hero" Calling Lindenstrauss an "Israeli cultural hero," Hebrew University President Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson pointed out that the Fields age limit presents a particularly difficult challenge for Israelis, because they are not free to begin their academic careers until after they have fulfilled their military obligations. Lindenstrauss, who has published 35 papers since 1995, started even later than right usual, because he volunteered for extra service.

lthough no Israeli has won the medal before, Israeli mathematicians figure prominently in the Intentional Mathematical Union, whose membership is determined on the basis of the quality and quantity of research by individuals. "Israel is one of the 10 largest and leading state delegations represented in the organization," says Einstein Institute Prof. Alex Lubotzky in a statement released just after the prizewinners were announced.

Lindenstrauss says that his father, Einstein Institute professor emeritus and Israel Prize laureate Joram Lindenstrauss, was "extremely happy" to hear the good news. Family is the primary reason Lindenstrauss cites for his decision to pursue his career at the Hebrew University rather than in the United States, where he has worked at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, N.J., Stanford University in California, and the Courant Institute at right New York University. He recently completed a five-year professorship at Princeton University.
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