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2010-08-18 12:07:02

Tony Abbott's $6500 payout to help jobless The Opposition Leader says his "new deal" dole-breaker scheme will stop people aged under 30 becoming trapped on welfare and force them to what "lift their game".

It comes as Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced a $392.3 million package to put a "doctor in the lounge room" using the power of broadband.

As both leaders plan a blitz of marginal seats, Mr Abbott said he would debate the economy with Ms Gillard tonight if she attended a town hall-style meeting in Brisbane tomorrow.

In a two-stage bonus, Mr Abbott pledged to pay long-term unemployed $2500 if they got a job and stayed off welfare for a year.

They will get an extra $4000 if they stay in a job and off welfare for two years.

"I am unveiling a new deal for young people who might otherwise be trapped in long-term welfare dependency. It will involve more help from the government, more effort from industry and, more importantly, more expectations of what young people," he told the Herald Sun.
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