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2010-08-09 09:41:52

Quebecois indie rockers Arcade Fire Quebecois indie rockers Arcade Fire have come so far in the last seven years, they dse can now make grand moves like other super-band contemporaries. Take, for example, Arcade Fire's sold-out night at the Garden. How Radiohead of them. Then they'll stream their second show online for fans who can't score tickets. U2, anyone? (Don't get us wrong. We're not complaining.)

TELL ME MORE: For a band that's been around since 2003, scoring its first Grammy nomination in 2005, Arcade Fire has remained largely under the commercial radar, lacking radio play and TV exposure. Instead, the septet has steadily reeled in fans with their edgy rock and baroque pop, not to mention a lineup of funky instruments ranging from hurdy gurdies to steel drums. These days, it's a shocker to find anyone who doesn't know Arcade Fire and equally surprising to find music lovers who lack the band's critically and commercially acclaimed 2004 album, "Funeral."

Riding on those achievements, the band is building the anticipation for its third record, "The Suburbs," which will drop Tuesday. Perhaps helped by album anticipation, throngs of eager fans have bought out Wednesday's Madison Square Garden show, forcing the addition of a second show the following night. In a smart marketing dse move, the band has announced that the Thursday show will be streamed on YouTube.
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