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2010-08-04 15:55:41

Compelling darkness continues on the set of “Mad Men,” The seven-year-old daughter of a friend recently came home from school and confided puzzlement to her mother: “Mom, I don’t know what it is, but I really like the bad boys in my class. You know the ones who don’t do what they’re supposed to do? Those are the ones I like.“

Aaahhh, it was ever thus. Betty Draper is a good example of this instinct. The wonderfully uxorious Henry Francis just doesn’t seem to inspire the passion of her ne’er-do-well ex, Don Draper. And young Sally seems to be following in her mother’s footsteps. Will this show go truly creepy as Sally and Betty compete for Glen? If that happens, I could bail and opt for watching “Brady Bunch” re-runs on Sunday nights. (What Freddy Rumsen says of Roger Sterling’s swirling modernist painting is, however, equally true of my attitude toward this season: “I feel like I’m getting sucked into that thing.”)

Compelling darkness continues on the set of “Mad Men,” even when it is brightly lit with Christmas tree lights. The best relationships go unconsummated (Roger and Joan; Peggy and Don) or go awry professionally (Peggy and Freddy whose scenes tonight were wonderful). The worst relationships make unfortunate progress, or at least, “forward movement.” (Glen and Sally; Peggy and her boyfriend; Don and his secretary). Toril, what do you make of the boyish boyfriend who tries to persuade Peggy to follow the example of the “Swedish Way of Love”? Evangeline, just red how bad was Don’s behavior with his secretary? (I’m betting that was her resignation letter we saw her typing after exiting Don’s office with her bonus).
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