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2010-07-08 15:10:16

It was not an easy day For the variety

It was not an easy day at Conenr the Aldo branch on Bialik Street in Ramat Gan last week: Chef Aldo Diconsiglio sent away metal container after metal container of ice cream he had prepared, after having decided to throw away all of yesterday's product. It was 70-year-old Diconsiglio's first day as head chef at the branch and he wanted, says Maimon, "to start clean." Until then, the chef at the branch had been young Ma'ayan Dahan, who had now been called upon to establish a large branch in the Kiryat Atidim technological park in north Tel Aviv.

Dahan had been through an apprenticeship with Aldo at the gelateria in Ramat Gan, where she made cucumber ice cream, rice ice cream, eggplant ice cream and avocado sorbet, "for the variety," says Diconsiglio. These flavors were well-received by the Ramat Gan clientele. "They didn't sell like Belgian chocolate," laughs Aldo, "but there was a demand."

On that same day last week, Diconsiglio stood in a cubby to the right of the counter, peeling snakes of orange peel and adding them to the vanilla mix. Even on a hot day in the beginning of August, Diconsiglio is less concerned about the humidity and temperature Conenr than about the taste of Israeli almonds and pistachios.
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