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2010-03-10 09:05:27

Authors from the early twentieth century to the mid-twenty-first century is divided into three 50 years, that is, three phases, the first half of the twentieth century great power strategic competition is brutal jungle of competition, two world wars is a "Wrestling Competition," winner must kill the opponent, is "I win you lose" outcome, based on "life and death" as a precondition; second stage is the second half of the twentieth century, the strategic competition, although unlike the first half of century, less bloody and cruel, but also one that "you bad I xing" as the principle of competition is a zero-sum game, and nearly half a century the Cold War, is a "boxing match", winner take the other side down, is an "I win you lose" outcome, based on "You're down I-li", "you bad I-hing," as a precondition; the third phase is the twenty-first century China and the United States a new round of "champion countries" competitive race relations is not "life and death", "you had me up", "You lose I win" relationship, but "catch-me", "you after I first" race relations. This is international relations and international competition to re-positioning and reflection.

The author also put forward the "Cold War mentality" has ended, the United States and the Soviet Union nearly half a century of the Cold War, in essence, is a special form of a third world point of view, the US-Soviet Cold War will also be called the "boxing match "rather than" duel Competition ", the authors make peace, development and cooperation have become the world trends and the requirements of the times today," boxing style "competition model, though not to a duel opponent's life, but it also must be like" duel-style "in the same mode of competition become obsolete, and despised by the world of human civilization. And Sino-US competition in the new model of civilization called "track and field," tournament. Authors assert that the twenty-first century, Sino-US game, can not be "duel-style" nor a "boxing style" can only be "athletic type", that is, in the "champion countries" of the birth process China will be the most civilized human history of a great power rivalry, competition in China and the U.S. will not be a second post-Cold War US-Soviet Cold War. This is the future development of Sino-US relations is not without positive significance.

"China Dream" the greatest value of the book, not only for present-day international competition among countries to propose new ideas, but also for our commercial competition of today's society is not without reference. The past, business competition, many people would often referred to as "Business is war" to "mortal" or "Down with the opponent" as the means and objectives of commercial success, in fact, weEnergy saving lamp refer to the "Chinese Dream" author of this "track and field meet," New Thinking mode, you can also store the competition as "swimming", that is, their own "lane" on the interference from each other to display their own talents, sprint to the target.

In this sense, the "China Dream" is not only an elite readers, is not simply a leader in decision-making reference, but also a community reference groups, and necessary reading. Energy saving lampThis is dealing with the relationship between people is not without inspiration, "China Dream" dialectical thinking, for us to build a harmonious society is also a major inspiration, a harmonious society requires this kind of "track and field meet," rather than "boxing match."
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