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2010-02-20 10:37:02

Spitz as leader at the front Perrault smiled slowly. He was carrying GPS tracker important papers,and he needed good dogs. He was very pleased to have Buck.

They bought three more dogs that morning, and a quarter of an hour later all nine dogs were in harness and on their way up the Dyea Canyon. Buck was not sorry to be moving, and although it was hard work, he almost enjoyed it. He was also surprised to see that Dave and Sol-leks no longer looked bored and miserable.Pulling in a harness was their job, and they were happy to do it.

Dave was sledge-dog, the dog nearest to the sledge.In front of him was Buck, then came Sol-leks. In front of them were the six other dogs, with Spitz as leader at the front. Francois had put Buck between Dave and Sol-leks because they could teach him the work.Buck learnt well,and they were good teachers. When Buck pulled the wrong way, Dave always bit his leg, but only lightly. Once, when they stopped, Buck got tied up in his GPS tracker harness, and it took ten minutes to get started again.Both Dave and Sol-leks gave him a good beating for that mistake. Buck understood, and was more careful after that.
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