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2010-02-03 16:18:08

I know that Lucie is out But one day in the summer he came to Dr Manette's home in London. He knew that Lucie was out with Miss Pross, and he had decided to speak to her father. Dr Manette was now strong in body and mind, and sad memories of his long years in prison did not come back to him often. When Darnay arrived, the Doctor welcomed him warmly.

'Dr Manette, ' said Darnay, 'I know that Lucie is out. But I have come here today to speak to you.'

There was a silence.'Do you want to speak to me about Lucie?' asked the Doctor, slowly.

'Yes. Dear Dr Manette, I love your daughter dearly. If there was ever love in the world, I love Lucie.'

'I believe you, ' said Dr Manette sadly.' It's very hard for me to speak of her at any time, but I believe you, Charles Darnay. Have you spoken to Lucie about your love?'

'No, never. I know how much your daughter means to you, Dr Manette. Her love for you, and your love for her, these are the greatest things in your life, and in hers. I love Lucie. Diamond tools With all my heart I love her. But I do not want to come between you and her. The two of you will never be separated because of me.'
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