2008-09-11 14:34:37
Dim TDConnection
Set TDConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle.TDConnection")
TDConnection.InitConnection "" ' URL for the DB
TDConnection.ConnectProject "TD76","bella","pino" ' Valid login information
If TDConnection.Connected Then
MsgBox("Connected to " + chr (13) + "Server " + TDConnection.ServerName _
+ chr (13) +"Project " + TDConnection.ProjectName )
MsgBox("Not Connected")
End If
'Get the IBugFactory
Set BugFactory = TDConnection.BugFactory
'Add a new empty bug
Set Bug = BugFactory.AddItem (Nothing)
'fill the bug with relevant parameters
Bug.Status = "New"
Bug.Summary = "Connecting to TD"
Bug.Priority = "4-Very High" ' depends on the DB
Bug.AssignedTo = "admin" ' user that must exist in the DB's users list
Bug.DetectedBy = "admin" ' user that must exist in the DB's users list
'Post the bug to DB ( commit )
' Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, write to, or append to the file.
' iomode: 1 - ForReading, 2 - ForWriting, 8 - ForAppending
' Example of usage
' Set f = OpenFile("d:\temp\beenhere.txt", 2, True)
' f.WriteLine Now
' f.Close
Function OpenFile(sFilename, iomode, create)
Set fso = CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")
Set ōpenFile = fso.OpenTextFile(sFilename, iomode, create)
End Function
' Appends a line to a file
' Example of usage
' AppendToFile "d:\temp\beenhere.txt", Now
Function AppendToFile(sFilename, sLine)
Const ForAppending = 8
If sFilename = "" Then
sFilename = Environment("SystemTempDir") & "\QTDebug.txt"
End If
Set f = OpenFile(sFilename, ForAppending, True)
f.WriteLine sLine
End Function
' Writes a line to a file.
' Destroys the current content of the file!
' Example of usage
' WriteToFile "d:\temp\beenhere.txt", Now
Function WriteToFile(sFilename, sLine)
Const ForWriting = 2
If sFilename = "" Then
sFilename = Environment("SystemTempDir") & "\QTDebug.txt"
End If
Set f = OpenFile(sFilename, ForWriting, True)
f.WriteLine sLine
End Function