2008-09-11 14:34:02
我用的配置如下:Win2000 Professional + IIS 5.0(Win2000自带)+ Tomcat 3.1 binary release.
我使用的Tomcat 3.1是编译过的版本,在这个版本里面没有配置IIS和NT Service 的说明,但是在Tocmcat 3.2 source版里面有比较详细的帮助文件。根据这些帮助文件 可以顺利的把Tomcat作为插件插入IIS。
要启动Tomcat很简单,首先可以查看tomcat\bin\startup.bat文件,利用控制 面板里面的系统->高级->环境变量对话框,新建环境变量TOMCAT_HOME和JAVA _HOME,使它们各自指向TOMCAT和JDK的根目录即可。
另外为保险起见,可以在path 里面把二者的路径添加进去。然后开启一个DOS窗口执行startup.bat。 启动Tomcat后,会有一个DOS窗口显示启动情况。此时访问可以看到Tomcat的一些示例。
3)配置方法 下一步工作就是如何把Tomcat插入IIS,使二者协同工作。
1、在注册表中创建一个新键: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redire ctor\1.0"
2、在这个键中建立如下条目和字符串键值。 名称值extension_uri "/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll"
log_file 指定你的log文件路径,例如"d:\tomcat\isapi.log"。
log_level "debug","inform","error", "emerg"4个中任选一个
worker_file workers.properties文件的路径, 例如:\tomcat\conf\workers.properties"
name worker_mount_fileand
uriworkermap.properties 文件的路径,例如"d:\tomcat\conf\uriworkermap.properties"
(在3.1 bin中可能没有这个dll,你可以从3.2 的bin\iis\nt4\i386目录中拷贝一个过来。该虚拟目录应被设置为“可执行”。 )
4、利用IIS管理器,把isapi_redirect.dll设置为“默认WEB站点”的ISAPI筛选器, 名称可以任起。
5、重启IIS,确认刚才添加的ISAPI筛选器前面标了一个绿色向上的箭头 然后重启Tomcat(执行tomcat\bin\shutdown.bat可关闭Tomcat) 此时,IIS应该已经可以处理*.jsp文件了。
由于Tomcat设置中,默认的Root是 tomcat\webapps\ROOT,
所以你可以在这个目录中放置一个jsp文件(例如 index.jsp),然后访问,看一下效果。
如果按照上面的方法还是无法使IIS处理jsp文件,可以尝试在IIS管理器-> 默认WEB站点属性->主目录->配置中添加一个“应用程序映射”,把*.jsp文件 映射到isapi_redirect.dll上。
4)作为NT service 作为NT service的设置比较简单。
# $Header: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat/src/etc/wrapper.properties,v 1.1
#2000/05/03 11:54:49 shachor Exp $
# $Revision: 1.1 $
# $Date: 2000/05/03 11:54:49 $
# jk_service.properties - a bootstrup file for the Tomcat NT service.
# This file provides jk_nt_service with the needed information to
# start tomcat at a different process.
# As a general note, the characters $( and ) are used internally to define
# macros. Do not use them!!!
# Whenever you see a set of lines such as:
# x=value
# y=$(x)\something
# the final value for y will be value\something
# Normaly all you will need to modify is the first two properties, i.e.
# wrapper.tomcat_home and wrapper.java_home. Most of the configuration
# is derived from these two.
# wrapper.tomcat_home should point to the location where you
# installed tomcat. This is where you have your conf, webapps and lib
# directories.
# wrapper.tomcat_home=d:\tomcat #
# wrapper.java_home should point to your installation. Normally
# you should have a bin and lib directories beneath it.
# wrapper.java_home=d:\JBuilder35\jdk1.2.2
# #------ ADVANCED MODE ------------------------------------------------
# Make sure that you read the how-to before making too many changes. #------
# Defining where the service is going to put the standard
# output of Tomcat. This is where System.out.println and
# System.err.println goes to.
# wrapper.stdout=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\jvm.stdout wrapper.stderr=$(wrapper.
# Additions to the path. put here directories where you store DLLs for
# native methods etc.
# wrapper.ld_path=d:\ wrapper.ld_path=c:\
# Defining the classpath. All the rows that belongs to the class_path
# property are concatenated to create the classpath for Tomcat.
# If you have additional locations that you would like to add to the
# claspath you should add a new wrapper.class_path=
# wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\classes wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\lib\xml.jar wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\lib\
webserver.jar wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\lib\servlet.jar wrap
# This is where c is located in JDK1.2.x # wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.java_home)\lib\tools.jar
# and a tribute
to JDK1.1.x # wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.java_home)\lib\classes.zip
# This is the Java interpreter used for running Tomcat
# wrapper.javabin=$(wrapper.java_home)\bin\java.exe
# This is Tomcat's startup class (the class that contains Tomcat's
# starting point.
# wrapper.startup_class=org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat
# This is the location where tomcat's server.xml configuration file
# is located.
# wrapper.server_xml=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)\conf\server.xml
# The NT service uses AJP12 to shutdown Tomcat. The wrapper.shutdown_port
# tells the service the identity of the port that is used by AJP12.
# wrapper.shutdown_port=8007
# This is the command line that is used to start Tomcat. You can *add* extra
# parameters to it but you can not remove anything.
# wrapper.cmd_line=$(wrapper.javabin) -classpath $(wrapper.class_path)$(wrapp er.startup_class) -config $(wrapper.server_xml) -home $(wrapper.tomcat_home)
然后运行jk_nt_service -I <服务名称>
wrapper.pro perties的路径应为完整路径(包括wrapper.properties这个文件名)
示例:jk_nt_service -I Jakarta d:\wrapper.properties 这样在控制面板->服务里面,我们可以看到一个名为Jakarta的服务,
可以 在这里启动或者中止它。