Socket在连接以后,如果客户端非正常退出,比如网线掉了、超时退出等,服务器端的socket仍然有缓存,此时可以从该socket描述符中读出一些数据,短时间内甚至可以写,因此判断TCP socket是否断开及其不易,网上有很多方法,都不能精确判断。本人用select和recv写了一个,在缓冲区被读完以后判断非常管用。这里,recv时使用MSG_PEEK参数,数据不会从缓冲区中清除掉,因此不会影响正常的读写。
/* check whether socket is connected. Actually, it is not accurate if the client
* crashs and the server don't know about it because the socket buffer is ready.
* So the return value '0' doesn't mean the socket is really valid. Of course,
* '-1' shows the socket is invalid
int checksock(int s)
fd_set fds;
char buf[2];
int nbread;
if ( select(s+1, &fds, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, NULL) == -1 ) {
//log(LOG_ERR,"select(): %s\n",strerror(errno)) ;
return -1;
if (!FD_ISSET(s,&fds)) {
//log(LOG_ERR,"select() returns OK but FD_ISSET not\n") ;
return -1;
/* read one byte from socket */
nbread = recv(s, buf, 1, MSG_PEEK);
if (nbread <= 0)
return -1;
return 0;
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