2008-09-09 16:39:42
我觉得要学习J2EE, 能找到一份好工作,掌握以下的技术要点是必须的:
(1) Basic syntax
(2) Memory manage in : 知道如何申请空间和释放空间
(3) JDBC: 知道如何访问数据库
(4) JSP: JSP在工作中最常用
(5) Servlet: JSP执行前是被翻译成Servlet,所以基本Servlet知识也是必须的
大家希望找些关于Java内存管理的资料,我想在绝大部分Java书籍中都会有简单介绍,但都可能不够深入。我个人觉得了解Java内存管理特别重要。所以我在这里作介绍一些点,我是从一个DevPartner Java? Edition培训上学来的(那个培训对我影响深刻),希望对大家有用。
New Memory Problems in Java
1. Temporary Objects
The GC works harder when objects are constantly being allocated, used for a short time and then unreferenced For each object creation the following occurs: *Memory is allocated on the heap *Class constructors are called *Fields are initialized *The state of the object is tracked Creating many short-lived objects is a common performance bottleneck on the Java platform Temporary Objects *Medium and Short lived objects *Survive less than 2 garbage collections String concatenation example… String objects are immutable Once created, cannot be changed String abc = “a” + b + “c”; Translates to – String abc = new Stringbuffer().append(“a”) .append .append(“c”) .toString(); Two new objects are created one StringBuffer and one String String result = “”; For (int i=0; i < 20; i++) { result += getNextString(); } Better coded as: String result = “”; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); For (int i=0; i < 20; i++) { buffer.append(getNextString()) } Result = buffer.toString(); |
3. Memory Footprint