看到作者列表中熟悉的名字,就知道这是来自"The Xen guys"的声音。Xen的大获成功毫无疑问大大提高了他们的影响力,更多的人愿意聆听他们对OS的理解;当然,也有少数人不愿意听到这样的理解(如Heiser)。
2000年,Rob Pike发表"Systems Software Research is Irrelevant",痛斥System研究者不思进取,所做的研究在学术界外毫无影响力,再无80-90年代初那种轰轰烈烈的创新。3年以后,Xen横空出世,2年的飞速发展及在工业界的巨大影响力,让Hand等人有了底气。
本文对VMM和Microkernel的一些异同点进行了对比,提出:"We argue that modern VMMs present a practical platform which allows the development and deployment of innovative systems research: in essence, VMMs are microkernels done right."
- Avoid Liability Inversion: Microkernel itself depends on application level components, such as pagers, to make forward progress. Various inelegant timeout and fallback mechanisms were required to avoid deadlock.
- Make IPC Performance Irrelevant: First, since VMMs hold isolation to be a key goal, IPC between virtual machines is considerably less common in general. Secondly, we have determined that a clear separation between control and data path operations allows us to optimize for the common case.
- Treat OS as Component: Guest OS need few/none changes. Compatibility.
- Narrow interfaces between system components providing easy extensibility of device and OS functionality. Indeed, it seems very likely that the exploration of how services and management will be structured in a multi-OS VMM system will continue to present many exciting research opportunities.
- A small code base that can guarantee security more easily than monolithic kernels. Several groups have expressed interest in developing these ideas for Xen, using concepts from projects such as the Flask-derived SELinux.
- Strong isolation providing opportunities for improved manageability. recently by VMMs has been to explore less performance-centric aspects of systems development. (e.g. migration, log&replay)
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