2008-12-19 11:03:01
3。If you're running Linux expressgate create a folder in your home directory and place the file file.img, if you're running Windows copy the file on a USB key (or other media), you must create the directory under Linux later and drop the file
4。On Windows download the install and format your key-card with flash (égaleent possible Linux syslinux but I would not here ...). Ceci rendra votre clé USB bootable (toutes les données présentent sur la clé seront effacées !!) This will make your USB drive bootable (all data are the key will be deleted!)
5,If you are still not on Linux is the time to do it ... Donc booter votre PC sous Linux (pour ma part j'utiliserais Ubuntu 8.04 installé sur mon Eee PC) So boot your PC running Linux (for my part j'utiliserais Ubuntu 8.04 installed on my Eee PC)
Well, now things are going plot thickens a bit for people who do not know much ...Following my
tutorial will be based on Ubuntu 8.04 so for those who have another
Linux distribution you must manage to find the equivalent commands
(this applies especially to the package manager is still equivalent)
You must download the packages:
sfdisk, lilo, mkdosfs, syslinux
So why, a little apt-get install or better use
Synaptic (this is not the exact name of the packages but the commands
to be used)
Si ce n'est toujours pas fait, créez un dossier expressgate dans votre dossier personnel (avec Nautilus pour ceux qui n'aiment pas la ligne de commande) puis copiez dedant le fichier FILE.IMG If this is not always done so, create a folder expressgate in your personnel file (with Nautilus for those who dislike the command line) and then copy the file dedant file.img