分类: C/C++
2008-08-04 09:33:36
从CWnd 继承一个窗口,当然也可以从CFrameWnd进行派生,这不是主要问题,关键是看你是怎么处理WM_PAINT,WM_MOUSEMOVE,WM_TIMER的消息。一般情况,我从OnPaint()中进行显示图片,在WM_TIMER中处理定时器消息,下面是处里定时器时用到的代码:
CMsgWnd::CMsgWnd() { ... SetTimer(ID_TIEMR_POP_WINDOW,20,NULL); ... } void CMsgWnd::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { static int nHeight=0; int cy=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); int cx=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); RECT rect; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,&rect,0); int y=rect.bottom-rect.top; int x=rect.right-rect.left; x=x-WIN_WIDTH; switch(nIDEvent) { case ID_TIMER_POP_WINDOW: if(nHeight<=WIN_HEIGHT) { nHeight; MoveWindow(x, y-nHeight, WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT); Invalidate(FALSE); } else { KillTimer(ID_TIMER_POP_WINDOW); SetTimer(ID_TIMER_DISPLAY_DELAY,5000,NULL); } break; case ID_TIMER_CLOSE_WINDOW: if(nHeight>=0) { nHeight--; MoveWindow(x, y-nHeight, WIN_WIDTH, nHeight); } else { KillTimer(ID_TIMER_CLOSE_WINDOW); SendMessage(WM_CLOSE); } break; case ID_TIMER_DISPLAY_DELAY: KillTimer(ID_TIMER_DISPLAY_DELAY); SetTimer(ID_TIMER_CLOSE_WINDOW,20,NULL); break; } CWnd::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }根据你设的定时器的长短来控制窗口的显示过程;
The AnimateWindow function enables you to produce special effects when showing or hiding windows. There are two types of animation: roll animation and slide animation.
BOOL AnimateWindow( HWND hwnd, // handle to the window to animate DWORD dwTime, // duration of animation DWORD dwFlags // animation type );上面的函数前两个参数一看就明白,不用说了,最后一个参数dwFlags设置动画窗口的样式:
Specifies the type of animation. This parameter can be one or more of the following flags.
标志 | 说明 |
AW_SLIDE | Uses slide animation. By default, roll animation is
used. This flag is ignored when used with the AW_CENTER flag. |
AW_ACTIVATE | Activates the window. Do not use this flag with AW_HIDE. |
AW_BLEND | Uses a fade effect. This flag can be used only if hwnd is a top-level window. |
AW_HIDE | Hides the window. By default, the window is shown. |
AW_CENTER | Makes the window appear to collapse inward if the
AW_HIDE flag is used or expand outward if the AW_HIDE flag is not used. |
AW_HOR_POSITIVE | Animate the window from left to right. This flag can
be used with roll or slide animation. It is ignored when used with the AW_CENTER flag. |
AW_HOR_NEGATIVE | Animate the window from right to left. This flag can
be used with roll or slide animation. It is ignored when used with the AW_CENTER flag. |
AW_VER_POSITIVE | Animate the window from top to bottom. This flag can
be used with roll or slide animation. It is ignored when used with the AW_CENTER flag. |
AW_VER_NEGATIVE | Animate the window from bottom to top. This flag can
be used with roll or slide animation. It is ignored when used with the AW_CENTER flag. |