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2009-06-07 10:46:35

iw help
iw list
iw dev wlan0 scan
iw event
iw event -f
iw event -t
iw dev wlan1 station dump
iw dev wlan1 station get

# monitor
# managed [also station]
# wds
# mesh [also mp]
# ibss [also adhoc

Monitor flags possible

The following are flags you can specify:

    * none
    * fcsfail
    * plcpfail
    * control
    * otherbss
    * cook

iw phy phy0 interface add moni0 type monitor
iw phy phy0 interface add wlan10 type managed
iw dev wlan0 interface add fish0 type monitor flags none
tcpdump -i fish0 -s 65000 -p -U -w  /tmp/fishing.dump
iw dev moni0 del
iw dev wlan0 set freq 2412
iw dev wlan0 set channel 1
iw reg set alpha2(wpa_supplicant (as of 0.6.7) add a "COUNTRY=US" to change your regulatory domain)
iw phy phy0 interface add mesh0 type mp mesh_id mymesh
iw dev mesh0 station dump
iw dev mesh0 mpath dump

iw dev wlan0 interface add mesh type mp mesh_id $MESH_ID
ifconfig -a | grep mesh
ifconfig mesh up
iw dev set channel (or iwconfig channel )
ifconfig (ifconfig mesh
iw dev mesh station dump

ping -c 2
iw dev mesh mpath dump

Advanced Tinkering

    * You can modify the mesh path table with these commands:
          o iw dev mesh mpath $DST_ADDR del: to delete a mesh path entry.
          o iw dev mesh mpath $DST_ADDR add next_hop $NEXTHOP_ADDR to force a specific network topology.
    * You can modify the mesh peer links table with these commands:
          o iw dev mesh station dump: list all the plinks.
          o iw dev mesh station $HW_ADDR set plink_action [open|block]: trigers a specific peer link stablishment process or blocks a specific peer link.
          o iw dev mesh station del $HW_ADDR: deletes a peer link from the peer table.

    * You can get and set mesh parameters using the "mesh_param" command in iw. For example, to change the mesh TTL value (which defaults to 5), one would:

      # iw dev mesh get mesh_param mesh_ttl
      # iw dev mesh set mesh_param mesh_ttl 3

The following mesh parameters can be inspected and set:

    * mesh_retry_timeout
    * mesh_confirm_timeout
    * mesh_holding_timeout
    * mesh_max_peer_links
    * mesh_max_retries
    * mesh_ttl
    * mesh_auto_open_plinks
    * mesh_hwmp_max_preq_retries
    * mesh_path_refresh_time
    * mesh_min_discovery_timeout
    * mesh_hwmp_active_path_timeout
    * mesh_hwmp_preq_min_interval
    * mesh_hwmp_net_diameter_traversal_time

Mesh Portal (MPP)
To bring up an MPP we need to setup up a bridge between a mesh interface and, for example, an Ethernet interface.

1. Bring up a mesh interface as described in the "Testing" section above.

mpp$ iw dev wlan0 interface add mesh type mp mesh_id ${MESH_ID}
mpp$ ifconfig mesh up

2. Add this new interface and your ethN interface to a new bridge:

mpp$ brctl addbr br0
mpp$ brctl stp br0 off
mpp$ brctl addif br0 eth1
mpp$ brctl addif br0 mesh
mpp$ ifconfig mesh down
mpp$ ifconfig eth1 down
mpp$ ifconfig mesh up
mpp$ ifconfig eth1 up
mpp$ ifconfig br0 ${MESH_IP}

root@bridge:~> brctl addbr br0
root@bridge:~> brctl stp br0 off
root@bridge:~> brctl addif br0 eth0
root@bridge:~> brctl addif br0 eth1
root@bridge:~> ifconfig eth0 down
root@bridge:~> ifconfig eth1 down
root@bridge:~> ifconfig eth0 up
root@bridge:~> ifconfig eth1 up
root@bridge:~> ifconfig br0        
When we just fired up the bridge interface it takes about roughly 30 seconds until the bridge is fully operational.

We imagine this scenario or similar:

              Ethernet           Ethernet           ATM    /-/  \
    ---------          ---------          ---------     /-/      |
    |  Box  |----------|Bridge |----------|Router |-----| Inter-  \
    ---------          ---------          ---------     \  net  ---|
             ^        ^         ^        ^               \     /
             |        |         |        |                \---/
            eth0     eth0      eth1     if0                 ^
             |        |         |        |                  |
   none/    anything else
                      \         /
                       \       /
       ^                \-br0-/
       |                                      ^             ^
       |                   ^                  |             |
       |                   |                  |             |
      own                 own              foreign        hostile

root@bridge:~> echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 打开IP转发
root@bridge:~> route add default gw 设置缺省路由

root@bridge:~> iptables -P FORWARD DROP
root@bridge:~> iptables -F FORWARD
root@bridge:~> iptables -I FORWARD -j ACCEPT
root@bridge:~> iptables -I FORWARD -j LOG
root@bridge:~> iptables -I FORWARD -j DROP
root@bridge:~> iptables -A FORWARD -j DROP
root@bridge:~> iptables -x -v --line-numbers -L FORWARD
root@bridge:~> iptables -D FORWARD 1
root@bridge:~> iptables -x -v --line-numbers -L FORWARD
root@box:~> ping -c 3
配置完成用ifconfig会看到br0       eth0    eth1     lo
route -n

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