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  • 注册时间: 2008-08-02 18:53





分类: 服务器与存储

2008-08-05 14:45:13

NetApp 升级步骤


基于Linux 上的升级非常容易,特别是批量升级。


1.1  monitor CPU and disk utilization for 30 seconds by entering the following command at the console of each storage controller:

 sysstat -c 10 -x 3

The values in the CPU and Disk Util columns are strongly recommended not to exceed 50% for all ten measurements reported. Ensure that no additional load is added to the storage system until the upgrade completes.


1.2 Download perfstat and run it on a client as follows:

perfstat -f filername -t 4 -i 5 > perfstatname.out


silc0998:/pdec/lab/netapp_tools # pwd


./ -f fas270 -l account:password -t 4 -i 5 > fas270_perform.dat &


Save this output file for a couple of weeks after the upgrade is complete


3. Download the system files for from Be sure to download the system files that match your node model for a UNIX host.


4. Verify the checksum of the image file with the value on the NOW download page.

Connect to the console of the node. Trigger an AutoSupport using the following command:

FAS270> options autosupport.doit Upgrading


5. Contact NetApp Support and check /etc/messages for any obvious errors e.g. disk errors, firmware errors, etc.

Using UNIX: Mount up the root volume to the UNIX Admin host. (NOTE: /mnt is an example mountpoint, the customer may have another one)

unix# mount FAS270:/ /mnt

unix# cd /mnt/etc

View the messages file with the more command:

unix# more /etc/messages


6. Make a back up of /etc/rc and /etc/hosts

unix# cp /mnt/etc/rc /tmp/rc

unix# cp /mnt/etc/hosts /tmp/hosts


7. Load the system files via NFS. From the UNIX administration host:

unix# tar xvf 7251_setup_m.tar

unix# ./install_netapp /mnt


If you are performing a Data ONTAP NDU (or backout), you must perform this step on both nodes before performing the takeover and giveback steps.


8. Download the latest shelf firmware from the NOW site. Follow the instructions to load the FW file on the node.


9. Download and install the latest disk firmware from the NOW site. Instructions for installing the firmware files are included on the download page.


10. Run the download command on the node.

 FAS270> download

If you are performing a Data ONTAP NDU (or backout), you must perform this step on both nodes before performing the takeover and giveback steps.


11. Upgrade the shelf firmware

FAS270> priv set advanced

FAS270> storage download shelf

FAS270> priv set


12. Check to see if the card has been properly updated.

FAS270> version -b

The primary kernel should be


13. Reboot the node.

FAS270> reboot


14. Verify the upgrade completed successfully to

FAS270> version



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