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分类: IT职场

2009-02-26 22:05:45

Network era development of the logistics industry the new features
Arrival of the new century brought about the development of various industries and the birth of one of the logistics are one of the most fire, is continuing development and expansion, led the entire economic development.

First, logistics are the sustainable development of the national economy lever

1. Logistics in the new century rebirth, becoming the new century, a bright star

Network technology to the socio-economic development of mankind into a new era, in the eve of the new millennium because of the promotion of e-commerce wave, China's logistics unprecedented boom. New trends indicate that logistics modernization of China's economic development has become a lever, which in order to get people's universally recognized.

Logistics activities are the basis of socio-economic activities, it is indisputable historical fact. From ancient barter currency then began to produce, with the development of the production, socio-economic level is also rising, but the logistics activities are not independent in nature, production and circulation has always been an integral part. Until the twentieth century五六十年generation, because of the unprecedented Products rich society, a rapid increase in the flow of costs, logistics activities began to receive attention in the socio-economic study to become hot, logistics systems also after the birth of modern logistics science at the end of a long-term latent state history. After that, people soon found to improve the logistics system can bring enormous economic benefits, it was modern logistics as "the economic field of the black virgin continent," "business at the foot of Golden Hill", "the third profit source" .

By the following facts can be aware of these assessments are based on: the American Enterprise at the beginning of the logistics system to improve the early stages of decline in inventory levels are generally more than one third have been alone on the considerable economic benefits; In addition, by a number of industries statistics show that the raw materials into the plant from the beginning, after a number of processes processing products until becoming part of the factory until the period of time, at the processing status of only 5%. 95% of the time, the materials are in the warehouse, transportation line, the former state of waiting. This means that materials in the plant 95% of the time are present in the logistics system to speed up the flow of materials, the key is to improve the logistics system. In addition, according to statistics of the general liquidity of enterprises has 3 / 4 are to be raw materials, work in process and finished product occupy, and therefore speed up the turnover rate of materials will effectively shorten the period of liquidity. Because in practice these indisputable facts, in a long historical period has been given scant attention in the area of logistics, and finally boarded the socio-economic stage of history.

When the needs of the community to a new level, the production has entered a low-volume, multi-species phase, the logistics system with the new requirements. Not only for lower costs, but also for the service also has ever-increasing demands.

Now entered the Internet era, survival and development of enterprises have made great changes in the environment, the emergence of e-commerce has accelerated global economic integration, resulting in the development of enterprises tend to many countries, globalization model. Now, the world's 500 More than 400 companies enter the Chinese market after WTO accession will have more multinational companies and large enterprises to enter China's manufacturing and circulation. Chinese enterprises are facing competition will become more intense.

Because of the Internet economy for a strong impact on logistics and more stringent requirements. The logistics industry must improve the level of modernization to meet the needs of the community, the logistics system planning, design and management of the complexity of the promotion of a professional third-party logistics companies. On the other hand, in the Internet Age, logistics obviously counter-productive to the economy strengthened, the manufacturing sector is not more concerned about how much production, but how to market the product to the user. Have an efficient and smooth logistics system is a modern enterprise survival and competitiveness of a reliable guarantee. From this point of view, saying that the new century are the logistics of the century are not out of order.

2. China's logistics facing good opportunities for development

At present, in China because of the domestic policy environment and economic conditions improve, deepening enterprise reform, development of the logistics industry to set up a good macro environment and micro-foundation; of modern information technology and modern merchandise logistics technology for the rapid development of the logistics industry in the preparation adequate technical conditions.

In particular, the following factors make the logistics industry in China a golden opportunity golden.

The first is the promotion of WTO accession. For China is a speeding up economic development opportunities, but also for China's logistics market has brought about a severe challenge. Because of and fully aligned with the international economy, globalization strategies to strengthen the trend of logistics enterprises in the development of a higher demand but also provides greater space.

The second is the impact of e-commerce. Electronic commerce is at an alarming rate in the development, but its implementation must be based on modern logistics system for the protection, which prompted people to turn their attention focused on the logistics. Information, globalization, multi-functional and first-class level of service, has become the e-commerce logistics company under the goal.

The third is the impact of western development. There will be tens of thousands of funds into the development of the western region projects. East-west exchanges and economic development of western China will enable the global logistics network happened enormous changes in the logistics enterprises bring business opportunities.

The next five years, that is, the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, China's logistics will be the golden era of development. The logistics industry has entered a high-demand, high development stage, China's logistics service enterprises, as well as system integrators and equipment manufacturers should seize the opportunity to adjust market orientation, learning or the introduction of foreign advanced logistics technology to develop market demand for high added - value of products (services) improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises and improve China's overall level of the logistics industry. In the near future, China's logistics modernization will enter a new stage.

Second, the logistics network of drop-era characterized by

1. Operating the trend of globalization

Because of the emergence of e-commerce has accelerated the integration of the global economy, resulting in the development of enterprises tend to many countries, globalization model.

Faced with fierce competition in the trend of globalization, corporate strategies is to focus on his own Good at the operating field, strive to lead in the core technology; and the enterprise are not good at separating the business entrusted to have expertise in this area and reliable partner. This trend is now the so-called third-party logistics, the development of Fourth Party Logistics created the conditions.

The most famous example in this regard are DEII computer company's operating model, they only order and the final assembly, while parts and components manufacturing and logistics system entrusted to partners, through the supply chain management and reorganization, effective in reducing the inventory, shorten production cycle, will greatly improve competitiveness. Nike also has a similar approach, there is no shoe factories operate only with the product design, and if the transport companies to cumbersome business entrusted to the charge card company to management.

Enterprises focus on core technology trends so that logistics business separation from the production enterprises, in order to bring a good opportunity for logistics enterprises; logistics enterprises in accordance with the same principle must also be careful to develop their business, improve service levels, can be assured that the interests of the commission and set up the enterprise credibility.

Now, the world 500 strong enterprises have more than 400 to enter the Chinese market, the future will have more multinational companies and large enterprises to enter China's manufacturing and circulation. After entering the WTO, and because the world economy, China's economy will accelerate the pace of modernization, the development of the logistics industry will play a powerful role in promoting, many transnational logistics companies in China for the future of the world's largest market in the future occupation of a place has been set up offices in China or set up a joint venture. This will have the development of China's logistics enterprises pose a threat, but also will speed up the logistics network in China's globalization process.

2. System Network

Logistics network era of e-commerce logistics activities are one of the major characteristics. In today's world of global information resources available to firms and the popularization of network technology for the logistics network provides a good technical support, logistics networks will develop rapidly.

Improve the logistics network is modern and efficient logistics system is based on conditions. The next few years, the national logistics system infrastructure such as the construction of large-scale logistics center will have a faster development of modern logistics and distribution systems, will be ripe.

3. Simplicity of the supply chain

Supply chain are involved in products or services will be provided to the consumer activities of the whole process of the upstream and downstream enterprises in a network. Numerous supply chain constitutes a highly complex socio-economic network. In the same supply chain of all firms are required upstream supply of raw materials or goods, but also continue to supply to the lower reaches of their products, forming a hierarchical type of system, so between these enterprises of mutual interdependence. In fact the so-called competition in the market rather than the internal supply chain upstream and downstream competition among enterprises, but a supply chain with another competition between the supply chain.

Internet technology for all aspects of the supply chain provides a powerful information support, producers, and ultimately between consumers and operators are able to understand the supply chain in a timely manner all dynamic. This means that the supply chain has a better transparency. In the supply chain, any excess of aspect, any unreasonable flow and operation can be found in a timely manner. Especially because of the Internet to provide information support, supply chain Zhongyuan some aspect will be the elimination of redundant. Therefore, the supply chain will become more compact, the supply chain of these changes will directly affect the business and development strategies.

4. Enterprise scale

Because in the era of e-commerce, logistics, small quantities, as well as many varieties of characteristics Express more significant, distribution of the more difficult, we must reach a certain size in order to produce economic benefits. In order to more quickly in the leading economies of scale, corporate mergers, joint tendency. Of course, when people in the choice of partners, the weak will be eliminated, and form powerful alliances. Enterprises must rely on their own mode of operation of advanced, high-quality service and strong implementation capacity based on the search for a suitable partner; At the same time, may also be qualified by other enterprises selected as the best partner, has been in the United Medium发展.

Chinese enterprises are faced with competition both at home and abroad, logistics enterprises do. Some state-owned transportation company, the size is great but there system is not flexible problem; some new logistics companies are mostly small scale. They need in the competition for United, according to the strategic choice of a win-win strategic partnership in order to form a league to create industrial scale. Can be predicted that the strong logistics enterprises will strengthen the United trends, large logistics enterprises in China's modernization will appear in the socio-economic stage.

5. Service integration

Because of the complexity of logistics systems and logistics services to the level of increasingly high demand for third-party logistics for the development of the broad market. Logistics is the service sector, service level competitive factors are the most important part. Third-party logistics industry in the most fashionable slogan is "to provide integrated logistics services", the user's logistics operations from planning and design to operation and management of all the bear down. Costs in ensuring conditions, allows users to have an efficient, smooth logistics system.

In the supply chain rapidly changing times, third-party logistics industry through value-added services to increase their turnover is also an important means. Value-added services to enhance the future development of the logistics industry are an important direction. Its purpose is not only to reduce costs and, more importantly, provide the user expectations are outside the value-added services, such as distribution, distribution and improve the flow of value-added processing services, as well as other required by the customer services provided.

Content value-added services in addition to the general assembly, to packaging, but also is expanding the scope of the development of distinctive value-added services. Germany FIEGE companies such as textile clothing for distribution, end-users in the service of their clothes before ironing, and commercial packaging or hanging in the racks on the service shops; if production FENDER guitar commissioned by UPS International, Inc. in its distribution system to carry out intensive and systematic integration, UPS and value-added services including tune guitar sound good.

Expanded value-added services, not just the increase in the income of logistics enterprises and, more importantly, because of commitment to the upstream enterprises and downstream enterprises spun off operations, supply chain to become an indispensable components in order to stabilize the client base .

In the introduction of foreign technology and management information based on the model, China's third-party logistics service industry will also have a relatively large margin of growth, a variety of value-added services will also be a third-party logistics service an important element.
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