该程序实现两个多项是的相加减,还有乘,运行时提示输入: 同时输入每一项的系数和指数,完成输入以0和任意的数字结束
typedef struct counter{
int coef;
int exp;
struct counter *next;
}node, *linklist;
linklist creat_list()
int i = 1;
int coef;
int exp;
int flag = 1;
node *head, *p, *q;
p = head = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
while (flag) {//利用尾差法创建链表
printf("please input quantic %d coef & exp: ", i++);
scanf("%d%d", &coef, &exp);
if (coef != 0) {
q = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
q -> coef = coef;
q -> exp = exp;
p -> next = q;
p = q;
} else {
flag = 0;
p -> next = NULL;
return head;
void show_list(linklist p) {
p = p-> next;
while (p != NULL){
if (p -> coef > 0)
printf("+%dX^e%d ", p -> coef, p -> exp);
printf("%dX^e%d ", p -> coef, p -> exp);
p = p-> next;
//进行多项式的 + or -
linklist count_list(linklist heada, linklist headb, char alg) {
int sum;
node *headc, *p, *q, *r, *s, *t;
p = heada -> next;
q = headb -> next;
r = heada;
t = headc = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
while (p != NULL && q != NULL) {
if(p -> exp == q -> exp) {//指数相等执行系数的相加减
switch (alg) {//alg判断是 + or -
case '+' :
sum = p -> coef + q -> coef;
case '-' :
sum = p -> coef - q -> coef;
if(sum != 0) {//系数相加不等于 0 则把系数付给 p,并删掉 q,同时让p 、q 下移一个节点
p -> coef = sum;
r -> next = p;
r = p;
p = p -> next;
s = q;
q = q -> next;
free (s);
} else { //系数等于 0 ,p、q下移一个节点,并删除上一个p、q节点
s = p;
p = p -> next;
free (s);
s = q;
q = q -> next;
} else {//指数不等的情况
if (p -> exp < q -> exp) {//p 的指数小于q的指数,让p下移一个节点
r -> next = p;
r = p;
p = p -> next;
} else {//p的指数大于q的指数,把q插进去,并让q后移一个节点
switch (alg) {
case '+' :
r -> next = q;
r = q;
q = q -> next;
case '-' :
q -> coef = -q -> coef;
r -> next = q;
r = q;
q = q -> next;
if (p != NULL){//如果p 还有元素,让r只想p所剩下的节点
r -> next = p;
} else {
while (q != NULL) {//如果q还有元素,判断+or-,让r慢慢向下移
switch (alg) {
case '+' :
r -> next = q;
r =q;
q = q -> next;
case '-' :
q -> coef = - q -> coef;
r -> next = q;
r = q;
q = q -> next;
return heada;
linklist ride_list(linklist heada, linklist headb) {
int num;
int sum;
node *headc, *p, *q, *s, *t;
p = heada -> next;
t = headc = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
while (p != NULL) {//创建一个新的链表用于存储两个多项式相乘的各项
q = headb -> next;
while(q != NULL) {
sum = p -> coef * q -> coef;
num = p -> exp + q -> exp;
q = q -> next;
s = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
s -> coef = sum;
s -> exp = num;
t -> next = s;
t = s;
p = p -> next;
t -> next = NULL;
s = headc;
return headc;
int main() {
int status;
int coef;
int exp;
char alg;
char ch;
node *p, *q, *r;
p = NULL;
q = NULL;
do {
printf("\nplease input your quantic and the coef is 0 to end\n");
printf("\nplease input your first quantic\n\n");
p = creat_list(p, coef, exp); //创建地一个多项式
printf("\nplease input your second quantic\n\n");
q = creat_list(q, coef, exp); //创建第二个多项式
printf("please input the algorithm : ");
alg = getchar();
alg = getchar();//运算符的输入
printf("the quantic: \n( ");
printf(") %c ( ", alg);
printf(") = ");
if (alg == '*') {//选择相应的运算
r = ride_list(p, q);//进行乘运算
} else {
r = count_list(p, q, alg);//进行加减运算
printf("do you want to go on ? (press 'y' to go on or press any key to exit): ");
ch = getchar();
if (ch == 'y' )
status = 1;
status = 0;
} while (status == 1);
return 0;
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