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2009-07-21 16:43:38

之前想恢复ext3 格式上丢失的文件,太麻烦,太难,好在ext3grep的诞生,解决这一难题。
[root@max max]# dd if=/dev/zero of=a1 bs=1024k count=100
[root@max max]# losetup /dev/loop1 a1
[root@max max]# mkfs.ext3 /dev/loop1
[root@max max]# mount /dev/loop1  /mnt/max/
[root@max max]# df -hT
文件系统      类型    容量  已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
/dev/sda1     ext3     19G   17G  1.1G  95% /
tmpfs        tmpfs    251M     0  251M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda3     ext3     23G   21G  1.2G  95% /mnt/hda1
/dev/sda4     ext3     31G   27G  2.4G  92% /mnt/hda5
/dev/loop1    ext3     97M  5.6M   87M   7% /mnt/max

[root@max max]# cd /mnt/max/
[root@max max]# ls
1de15ef8-4478-4b97-80ca-5bd5d69ff760.pdf  Cluster_Suite_Overview.pdf                iscsi.txt              ora.txt       systat.txt
20090703.txt                              Configuration_Example_-_NFS_Over_GFS.pdf  lfs-stall.txt          osb.txt       tao-dba.txt
Asianux3_Security_Datasheet.pdf           device-mapper-udev-crs-asm rh4.pdf        lfs.txt                rac.txt       tape.txt
Asianux3_Security_Manual.pdf              error.txt                                 logmner.txt            rfef.txt      tech-ora.txt
Asianux3_Security_TechPaper.pdf           GFS2_ISCSI-v1.pdf                         lost+found             security.txt  temp.txt
beau-name.txt                             gfs2_test.txt                             need-ora.txt           sucess.txt    翟鸿燊精彩语录.txt
Cluster_Administration.pdf                hist.txt                                  oracle-start-shut.txt  sysctl.txt
[root@max max]#

[root@max max]# rpm -qa | grep e2fsprogs
[root@max max]#


[root@max max]# rm device-mapper-udev-crs-asm\ rh4.pdf
rm:是否删除 一般文件 “device-mapper-udev-crs-asm rh4.pdf”? y
[root@max max]# rm 1de15ef8-4478-4b97-80ca-5bd5d69ff760.pdf
rm:是否删除 一般文件 “1de15ef8-4478-4b97-80ca-5bd5d69ff760.pdf”? y
[root@max max]# rm 翟鸿燊精彩语录.txt
rm:是否删除 一般文件 “翟鸿燊精彩语录.txt”? y
[root@max max]# rm GFS2_ISCSI-v1.pdf
rm:是否删除 一般文件 “GFS2_ISCSI-v1.pdf”? y
[root@max max]#

卸载这个分区,千万别再往 里面写文件了,危险。
[root@max ~]# ext3grep /dev/loop1  --ls --inode 2
Running ext3grep version 0.10.1
Number of groups: 13
Loading group metadata... done
Minimum / maximum journal block: 522 / 4636
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1248164639 = Tue Jul 21 16:23:59 2009
Number of descriptors in journal: 122; min / max sequence numbers: 2 / 10
Inode is Allocated
Finding all blocks that might be directories.
D: block containing directory start, d: block containing more directory entries.
Each plus represents a directory start that references the same inode as a directory start that we found previously.

Searching group 0: DD++++++
Searching group 1:
Searching group 2:
Searching group 3:
Searching group 4:
Searching group 5:
Searching group 6:
Searching group 7:
Searching group 8:
Searching group 9:
Searching group 10:
Searching group 11:
Searching group 12:
Writing analysis so far to 'loop1.ext3grep.stage1'. Delete that file if you want to do this stage again.
Result of stage one:
  2 inodes are referenced by one or more directory blocks, 2 of those inodes are still allocated.
  1 inodes are referenced by more than one directory block, 1 of those inodes is still allocated.
  0 blocks contain an extended directory.
Result of stage two:
  2 of those inodes could be resolved because they are still allocated.
All directory inodes are accounted for!

Writing analysis so far to 'loop1.ext3grep.stage2'. Delete that file if you want to do this stage again.
The first block of the directory is 508.
Inode 2 is directory "".
Directory block 508:
          .-- File type in dir_entry (r=regular file, d=directory, l=symlink)
          |          .-- D: Deleted ; R: Reallocated
Indx Next |  Inode   | Deletion time                        Mode        File name
   0    1 d       2                                         drwxr-xr-x  .
   1    2 d       2                                         drwxr-xr-x  ..
   2    4 d      11                                         drwx------  lost+found
   3    4 r      12  D 1248164950 Tue Jul 21 16:29:10 2009  rrw-r--r--  1de15ef8-4478-4b97-80ca-5bd5d69ff760.pdf
   4    5 r      13                                         rrw-r--r--  Asianux3_Security_Datasheet.pdf
   5    6 r      14                                         rrw-r--r--  Asianux3_Security_Manual.pdf
   6    7 r      15                                         rrw-r--r--  Asianux3_Security_TechPaper.pdf
   7    8 r      16                                         rrw-r--r--  Cluster_Administration.pdf
   8    9 r      17                                         rrw-r--r--  Cluster_Suite_Overview.pdf
   9   12 r      18                                         rrwxr-xr-x  Configuration_Example_-_NFS_Over_GFS.pdf
  10   11 r      19  D 1248164945 Tue Jul 21 16:29:05 2009  rrw-r--r--  device-mapper-udev-crs-asm rh4.pdf
  11   12 r      20  D 1248164962 Tue Jul 21 16:29:22 2009  rrw-r--r--  GFS2_ISCSI-v1.pdf
  12   13 r      21                                         rrw-r--r--  20090703.txt
  13   14 r      22                                         rrwxr-xr-x  beau-name.txt
  14   15 r      23                                         rrwxr-xr-x  error.txt
  15   16 r      24                                         rrw-r--r--  gfs2_test.txt
  16   17 r      25                                         rrw-------  hist.txt
  17   18 r      26                                         rrwxr-xr-x  iscsi.txt
  18   19 r      27                                         rrwxr-xr-x  lfs-stall.txt
  19   20 r      28                                         rrwxr-xr-x  lfs.txt
  20   21 r      29                                         rrw-r--r--  logmner.txt
  21   22 r      30                                         rrwxr-xr-x  need-ora.txt
  22   23 r      31                                         rrwxr-xr-x  oracle-start-shut.txt
  23   24 r      32                                         rrwxr-xr-x  ora.txt
  24   25 r      33                                         rrwxr-xr-x  osb.txt
  25   26 r      34                                         rrwxr-xr-x  rac.txt
  26   27 r      35                                         rrw-r--r--  rfef.txt
  27   28 r      36                                         rrw-r--r--  security.txt
  28   29 r      37                                         rrwxr-xr-x  sucess.txt
  29   30 r      38                                         rrw-r--r--  sysctl.txt
  30   31 r      39                                         rrwxr-xr-x  systat.txt
  31   32 r      40                                         rrwxr-xr-x  tao-dba.txt
  32   33 r      41                                         rrwxr-xr-x  tape.txt
  33   34 r      42                                         rrwxr-xr-x  tech-ora.txt
  34  end r      43                                         rrwxr-xr-x  temp.txt
  35  end r      44  D 1248164955 Tue Jul 21 16:29:15 2009  rrw-r--r--  翟鸿燊精彩语录.txt
[root@max ~]#    


[root@max jin]# ext3grep /dev/loop1 --restore-file 翟鸿燊精彩语录.txt
Running ext3grep version 0.10.1
Number of groups: 13
Minimum / maximum journal block: 522 / 4636
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1248164639 = Tue Jul 21 16:23:59 2009
Number of descriptors in journal: 122; min / max sequence numbers: 2 / 10
Writing output to directory RESTORED_FILES/
Finding all blocks that might be directories.
D: block containing directory start, d: block containing more directory entries.
Each plus represents a directory start that references the same inode as a directory start that we found previously.

Searching group 0: DD++++++
Searching group 1:
Searching group 2:
Searching group 3:
Searching group 4:
Searching group 5:
Searching group 6:
Searching group 7:
Searching group 8:
Searching group 9:
Searching group 10:
Searching group 11:
Searching group 12:
Writing analysis so far to 'loop1.ext3grep.stage1'. Delete that file if you want to do this stage again.
Result of stage one:
  2 inodes are referenced by one or more directory blocks, 2 of those inodes are still allocated.
  1 inodes are referenced by more than one directory block, 1 of those inodes is still allocated.
  0 blocks contain an extended directory.
Result of stage two:
  2 of those inodes could be resolved because they are still allocated.
All directory inodes are accounted for!

Writing analysis so far to 'loop1.ext3grep.stage2'. Delete that file if you want to do this stage again.
Restoring 翟鸿燊精彩语录.txt
[root@max jin]# ext3grep /dev/loop1 --restore-file GFS2_ISCSI-v1.pdf
Running ext3grep version 0.10.1
Number of groups: 13
Minimum / maximum journal block: 522 / 4636
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1248164639 = Tue Jul 21 16:23:59 2009
Number of descriptors in journal: 122; min / max sequence numbers: 2 / 10
Loading loop1.ext3grep.stage2... done
Restoring GFS2_ISCSI-v1.pdf
[root@max jin]# ext3grep /dev/loop1 --restore-file 1de15ef8-4478-4b97-80ca-5bd5d69ff760.pdf
Running ext3grep version 0.10.1
Number of groups: 13
Minimum / maximum journal block: 522 / 4636
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1248164639 = Tue Jul 21 16:23:59 2009
Number of descriptors in journal: 122; min / max sequence numbers: 2 / 10
Loading loop1.ext3grep.stage2... done
Restoring 1de15ef8-4478-4b97-80ca-5bd5d69ff760.pdf
[root@max jin]# ext3grep /dev/loop1 --restore-file device-mapper-udev-crs-asm\ rh4.pdf
Running ext3grep version 0.10.1
Number of groups: 13
Minimum / maximum journal block: 522 / 4636
Loading journal descriptors... sorting... done
The oldest inode block that is still in the journal, appears to be from 1248164639 = Tue Jul 21 16:23:59 2009
Number of descriptors in journal: 122; min / max sequence numbers: 2 / 10
Loading loop1.ext3grep.stage2... done
Restoring device-mapper-udev-crs-asm rh4.pdf
[root@max jin]#                  
     它会在你的当前目录下创建一个目录---RESTORED_FILES 。你丢失的文件就藏在这儿了!
[root@max jin]# ls
loop1.ext3grep.stage1  loop1.ext3grep.stage2  RESTORED_FILES
[root@max jin]# pwd
[root@max jin]# ls RESTORED_FILES/
1de15ef8-4478-4b97-80ca-5bd5d69ff760.pdf  GFS2_ISCSI-v1.pdf
device-mapper-udev-crs-asm rh4.pdf        翟鸿燊精彩语录.txt
[root@max jin]# ls RESTORED_FILES/
1de15ef8-4478-4b97-80ca-5bd5d69ff760.pdf  device-mapper-udev-crs-asm rh4.pdf  GFS2_ISCSI-v1.pdf  翟鸿燊精彩语录.txt
[root@max jin]#

[root@max RESTORED_FILES]# tail -n 6 *.txt
         你把<<心经>> <<金刚经>>背下来,佛菩萨跟你一辈子。
77、挣钱就是为了花,最傻的人,就是把钱存银行的人,银行就是把不爱花钱的人的钱拿来给爱花的人去花。" />[root@max RESTORED_FILES]#


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