package com.lizongbo.jmsdemo;
import javax.jms.MessageListener; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory; import javax.jms.QueueConnection; import javax.jms.QueueSession; import javax.jms.QueueSender; import javax.jms.QueueReceiver; import javax.jms.Queue; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Properties; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.JMSException;
/** Title:JMS demo
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005
@author lizongbo @version 1.0
* Use this class to send and receive point-to-point messages. * To send a text message: * * JMSTest jMSTest = new JMSTest(); * jMSTest.sendText("Hello world"); * jMSTest.close(); //Release resources *
* To receive a message: * * JMSTest jMSTest = new JMSTest(); * jMSTest.getQueueReceiver(); *
*/ public class JMSTest implements MessageListener { private static Context context; private boolean transacted = true; private int acknowledgementMode = javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE; private QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory; private QueueConnection queueConnection; private QueueSession queueSession; private QueueSender queueSender; private QueueReceiver queueReceiver; private Queue queue; private String queueConnectionFactoryName = "testjms"; private String sendQueueName = "com.lizongbo.jms001"; private String recvQueueName = "com.lizongbo.jms001"; public void setTransacted(boolean transacted) { this.transacted = transacted; }
public void sendObject(Serializable message) throws Exception { javax.jms.ObjectMessage objectMessage = getQueueSession(). createObjectMessage(); objectMessage.clearBody(); objectMessage.setObject(message); getQueueSender().send(objectMessage); if (isTransacted()) { getQueueSession().commit(); } }
public void sendText(String message) throws Exception { javax.jms.TextMessage textMessage = getQueueSession().createTextMessage(); textMessage.clearBody(); textMessage.setText(message); getQueueSender().send(textMessage); if (isTransacted()) { getQueueSession().commit(); } }
public QueueReceiver getQueueReceiver() throws Exception { if (queueReceiver == null) { queueReceiver = getQueueSession().createReceiver(getRecvQueue()); queueReceiver.setMessageListener(this); } return queueReceiver; }
public QueueSender getQueueSender() throws Exception { if (queueSender == null) { queueSender = getQueueSession().createSender(getSendQueue()); } return queueSender; }
public Queue getRecvQueue() throws Exception { if (queue == null) { Object obj = getContext().lookup(recvQueueName); queue = (Queue) obj; } return queue; }
public Queue getSendQueue() throws Exception { if (queue == null) { Object obj = getContext().lookup(sendQueueName); queue = (Queue) obj; } return queue; }
public QueueSession getQueueSession() throws Exception { if (queueSession == null) { queueSession = getQueueConnection().createQueueSession(isTransacted(), getAcknowledgementMode()); } return queueSession; }
public QueueConnection getQueueConnection() throws Exception { if (queueConnection == null) { queueConnection = getQueueConnectionFactory().createQueueConnection(); queueConnection.start(); } return queueConnection; }
public QueueConnectionFactory getQueueConnectionFactory() throws Exception { if (queueConnectionFactory == null) { Object obj = getContext().lookup(queueConnectionFactoryName); queueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) obj; } return queueConnectionFactory; }
public void setRecvQueueName(String recvQueueName) { this.recvQueueName = recvQueueName; }
public String getRecvQueueName() { return recvQueueName; }
public void setSendQueueName(String sendQueueName) { this.sendQueueName = sendQueueName; }
public String getSendQueueName() { return sendQueueName; }
public void setQueueConnectionFactoryName(String queueConnectionFactoryName) { this.queueConnectionFactoryName = queueConnectionFactoryName; }
public String getQueueConnectionFactoryName() { return queueConnectionFactoryName; }
public void setAcknowledgementMode(int acknowledgementMode) { this.acknowledgementMode = acknowledgementMode; }
public int getAcknowledgementMode() { return acknowledgementMode; }
public boolean isTransacted() { return transacted; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JMSTest jt = new JMSTest(); jt.sendText("test jms Text message!!!--lizongbo " + new java.util.Date().toString()); jt.sendText("测试jms文本消息!!!--lizongbo" + new java.util.Date().toString()); }
public Context getInitialContext() throws Exception { // String url = "t3://*.*:7001"; // String user = null; // String password = null; String url = "t3://"; String user = "weblogic"; String password = "weblogic";
Properties properties; try { properties = new Properties(); properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"); properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url); if (user != null) { properties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user); properties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password == null ? "" : password); } return new javax.naming.InitialContext(properties); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to connect to WebLogic server at " + url); System.out.println("Please make sure that the server is running."); throw e; } }
private Context getContext() throws Exception { if (context == null) { try { context = getInitialContext(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } } return context; }
public void onMessage(Message message) { if (message instanceof javax.jms.BytesMessage) { javax.jms.BytesMessage bytesMessage = (javax.jms.BytesMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个BytesMessage,内容是:" + bytesMessage); /** @todo Process bytesMessage here */ } else if (message instanceof javax.jms.MapMessage) { javax.jms.MapMessage mapMessage = (javax.jms.MapMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个MapMessage,内容是:" + mapMessage); /** @todo Process mapMessage here */ } else if (message instanceof javax.jms.ObjectMessage) { javax.jms.ObjectMessage objectMessage = (javax.jms.ObjectMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个objectMessage,内容是:" + objectMessage); /** @todo Process objectMessage here */ } else if (message instanceof javax.jms.StreamMessage) { javax.jms.StreamMessage streamMessage = (javax.jms.StreamMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个StreamMessage,内容是:" + streamMessage); /** @todo Process streamMessage here */ } else if (message instanceof javax.jms.TextMessage) { javax.jms.TextMessage objectMessage = (javax.jms.TextMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个TextMessage,内容是:" + objectMessage); /** @todo Process textMessage here */ } if (isTransacted()) { try { getQueueSession().commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void close() throws Exception { if (queueSender != null) { queueSender.close(); } if (queueReceiver != null) { queueReceiver.close(); } if (queueSession != null) { queueSession.close(); } if (queueConnection != null) { queueConnection.close(); } } }
package com.lizongbo.jmsdemo; /** * Title:JMS demo
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005
@author lizongbo @version 1.0 */ public class JMSFetchTest { public JMSFetchTest() { super(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JMSTest jt = new JMSTest(); jt.getQueueReceiver(); synchronized (jt) { jt.wait(10000); } System.out.println("jieshu!!!"); //jt.sendObject("test jms message!!!--lizongbo"); //jt.sendObject("测试jms消息!!!--lizongbo"); }
package com.lizongbo.jmsdemo;
import javax.jms.MessageListener; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory; import javax.jms.TopicConnection; import javax.jms.TopicSession; import javax.jms.TopicPublisher; import javax.jms.TopicSubscriber; import javax.jms.Topic; import java.util.Properties; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.jms.Message;
/** Title:JMS demo
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005
@author lizongbo @version 1.0
* Use this class to publish and subscribe to messages. * To send a text message: * * JMSpublicTest jMSpublicTest = new JMSpublicTest(); * jMSpublicTest.publishText("Hello world"); * jMSpublicTest.close(); //Release resources *
* To receive a message: * * JMSpublicTest jMSpublicTest = new JMSpublicTest(); * jMSpublicTest.getTopicSubscriber(); *
*/ public class JMSpublicTest implements MessageListener { private static Context context; private boolean transacted = false; private int acknowledgementMode = javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE; private TopicConnectionFactory topicConnectionFactory; private TopicConnection topicConnection; private TopicSession topicSession; private TopicPublisher topicPublisher; private TopicSubscriber topicSubscriber; private Topic topic; private String topicConnectionFactoryName = "testjms"; private String publishTopicName = "com.lizongbo.jms002"; private String subscribeTopicName = "com.lizongbo.jms002"; private String clientId = ""; private String durableName = ""; private boolean durable = false; public void setTransacted(boolean transacted) { this.transacted = transacted; }
public TopicSubscriber getTopicSubscriber() throws Exception { if (topicSubscriber == null) { if (isDurable()) { topicSubscriber = getTopicSession(true).createDurableSubscriber( getSubscribeTopic(), getDurableName()); } else { topicSubscriber = getTopicSession(true).createSubscriber( getSubscribeTopic()); } topicSubscriber.setMessageListener(this); getTopicConnection(true).start(); } return topicSubscriber; }
public TopicPublisher getTopicPublisher() throws Exception { if (topicPublisher == null) { topicPublisher = getTopicSession(false).createPublisher(getPublishTopic()); } return topicPublisher; }
public Topic getPublishTopic() throws Exception { if (topic == null) { Object obj = getContext().lookup(publishTopicName); topic = (Topic) obj; } return topic; }
public TopicSession getTopicSession(boolean consumer) throws Exception { if (topicSession == null) { topicSession = getTopicConnection(consumer).createTopicSession( isTransacted(), getAcknowledgementMode()); } return topicSession; }
public TopicConnection getTopicConnection(boolean consumer) throws Exception { if (topicConnection == null) { topicConnection = getTopicConnectionFactory().createTopicConnection();
if (isDurable() && consumer) { topicConnection.setClientID(clientId); } topicConnection.start(); } return topicConnection; }
public TopicConnectionFactory getTopicConnectionFactory() throws Exception { if (topicConnectionFactory == null) { Object obj = getContext().lookup(topicConnectionFactoryName); topicConnectionFactory = (TopicConnectionFactory) obj; } return topicConnectionFactory; }
public void setDurable(boolean durable) { this.durable = durable; }
public boolean isDurable() { return durable; }
public void setDurableName(String durableName) { this.durableName = durableName; }
public String getDurableName() { return durableName; }
public void setClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; }
public String getClientId() { return clientId; }
public void setSubscribeTopicName(String subscribeTopicName) { this.subscribeTopicName = subscribeTopicName; }
public String getSubscribeTopicName() { return subscribeTopicName; }
public void setPublishTopicName(String publishTopicName) { this.publishTopicName = publishTopicName; }
public String getPublishTopicName() { return publishTopicName; }
public void setTopicConnectionFactoryName(String topicConnectionFactoryName) { this.topicConnectionFactoryName = topicConnectionFactoryName; }
public String getTopicConnectionFactoryName() { return topicConnectionFactoryName; }
public void setAcknowledgementMode(int acknowledgementMode) { this.acknowledgementMode = acknowledgementMode; }
public int getAcknowledgementMode() { return acknowledgementMode; }
public boolean isTransacted() { return transacted; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, Exception {
JMSpublicTest jtc = new JMSpublicTest(); jtc.setDurable(true); jtc.setClientId("ip192.168.9.226"); jtc.setDurableName("test226aa"); jtc.getTopicSubscriber(); //开始发布一个消息 JMSpublicTest jtp = new JMSpublicTest(); jtp.setDurable(true); jtp.setClientId("ip192.168.9249"); jtp.setDurableName("test226aa"); jtp.publishText("发布一个消息!!!"); jtp.close(); //在这里保持监听来获取消息 synchronized (jtc) { jtc.wait(10000); } jtc.close(); System.out.println(jtp.getClientId()); System.out.println("jieshu!!!");
public Context getInitialContext() throws Exception { // String url = "t3://*.*:7001"; // String user = null; // String password = null; String url = "t3://"; String user = "weblogic"; String password = "weblogic";
Properties properties; try { properties = new Properties(); properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"); properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url); if (user != null) { properties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user); properties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password == null ? "" : password); } return new javax.naming.InitialContext(properties); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to connect to WebLogic server at " + url); System.out.println("Please make sure that the server is running."); throw e; } }
private Context getContext() throws Exception { if (context == null) { try { context = getInitialContext(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } } return context; }
public Topic getSubscribeTopic() throws Exception { if (topic == null) { Object obj = getContext().lookup(subscribeTopicName); topic = (Topic) obj; } return topic; }
public void publishText(String message) throws Exception { javax.jms.TextMessage textMessage = getTopicSession(false). createTextMessage(); textMessage.clearBody(); textMessage.setText(message); getTopicPublisher().publish(textMessage); if (isTransacted()) { getTopicSession(false).commit(); } }
public void publishObject(Serializable message) throws Exception { javax.jms.ObjectMessage objectMessage = getTopicSession(false). createObjectMessage(); objectMessage.clearBody(); objectMessage.setObject(message); getTopicPublisher().publish(objectMessage); if (isTransacted()) { getTopicSession(false).commit(); } }
public void onMessage(Message message) { if (message instanceof javax.jms.BytesMessage) { javax.jms.BytesMessage bytesMessage = (javax.jms.BytesMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个BytesMessage,内容是:" + bytesMessage); /** @todo Process bytesMessage here */ } else if (message instanceof javax.jms.MapMessage) { javax.jms.MapMessage mapMessage = (javax.jms.MapMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个MapMessage,内容是:" + mapMessage); /** @todo Process mapMessage here */ } else if (message instanceof javax.jms.ObjectMessage) { javax.jms.ObjectMessage objectMessage = (javax.jms.ObjectMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个objectMessage,内容是:" + objectMessage); /** @todo Process objectMessage here */ } else if (message instanceof javax.jms.StreamMessage) { javax.jms.StreamMessage streamMessage = (javax.jms.StreamMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个StreamMessage,内容是:" + streamMessage); /** @todo Process streamMessage here */ } else if (message instanceof javax.jms.TextMessage) { javax.jms.TextMessage objectMessage = (javax.jms.TextMessage) message; System.out.println("这是一个TextMessage,内容是:" + objectMessage); /** @todo Process textMessage here */ } if (isTransacted()) { try { getTopicSession(false).commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void close() throws Exception { if (topicPublisher != null) { topicPublisher.close(); } if (topicSubscriber != null) { topicSubscriber.close(); } if (topicSession != null) { topicSession.close(); } if (topicConnection != null) { topicConnection.close(); } } } |