2008-09-30 22:42:50
关于对象化编程的语句 现在我们有实力学习以下关于对象化编程,但其实属于上一章的内容了。
with 语句 为一个或一组语句指定默认对象。
with (<对象>) <语句>;
x = Math.cos(3 * Math.PI) + Math.sin(Math.LN10);
y = Math.tan(14 * Math.E);
with (Math) {
x = cos(3 * PI) + sin(LN10);
y = tan(14 * E);
function <构造函数名> [(<参数>)] {
this.<属性名> = <初始值>;
var <变量名> = new <构造函数名>[(<参数>)];
function Is() {
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
this.major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); //主版本号
this.minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);//全版本号
this.ns = ((agent.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) &&
((agent.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && //是否 Netscape
(agent.indexOf('compatible') == -1)));
this.ns2 = (this.ns && (this.major == 3)); //是否 Netscape 2
this.ns3 = (this.ns && (this.major == 3)); //是否 Netscape 3
this.ns4b = (this.ns && (this.minor < 4.04)); //是否 Netscape 4 低版本
this.ns4 = (this.ns && (this.major >= 4)); //是否 Netscape 4 高版本
this.ie = (agent.indexOf("msie") != -1); //是否 IE
this.ie3 = (this.ie && (this.major == 2)); //是否 IE 3
this.ie4 = (this.ie && (this.major >= 4)); //是否 IE 4
this.op3 = (agent.indexOf("opera") != -1); //是否 Opera 3
this.win = (agent.indexOf("win")!=-1); //是否 Windows 版本
this.mac = (agent.indexOf("mac")!=-1); //是否 Macintosh 版本
this.unix = (agent.indexOf("x11")!=-1); //是否 Unix 版本
var is = new Is();
function myFriend(theName, gender, theAge, birthOn, theJob) {
this.name = theName;
this.isMale = (gender.toLowerCase == 'male');
this.age = theAge;
this.birthday = new Date(birthOn);
this.job = theJob
var Stephen = new myFriend('Stephen', 'Male', 18, 'Dec 22, 1982', 'Student');