*File Name :select_info_tb.ec
*This is select basic person informaion from the basic_info_tb
*The database name :
*The table name :basic_info_tb
*Time :2009.5.7
*Author :zhou le xiang
*Compiler command :esql -o select_info_tb select_info_tb.ec
//include head
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "sqlca.h"
//define head
exec sql begin declare section;
int id;//use index keyword
char name[20];
int age;
char sex[8];
char tel[12];
char e_mail[30];
char addr[60];
exec sql end declare section;
//main body
int main()
exec sql begin declare section;
int id;
char name[20];
int age;
char sex[8];
char tel[12];
char e_mail[20];
char addr[60];
exec sql end declare section;
printf("Do you want select data into the basic_info_tb ? 0 ----no or 1 -----yes\n");
exec sql database zlx;
printf("connect the database error[%d]\n",sqlca.sqlcode);
//select sql
exec sql select * into :id,:name,:age,:sex,:tel,:e_mail,:addr from zlxtb where id=123456;
printf("select data into table error[%d]\n",sqlca.sqlcode);
printf(" your id:%d\n",id);
printf(" your name:%s\n",name);
printf(" your age:%d\n",age);
printf(" your sex:%s\n",sex);
printf(" your tel:%s\n",tel);
printf(" your e_mail:%s\n",e_mail);
printf(" your addr:%s\n",addr);
printf("Congratulations ! you select data into table sccess!\n");
exec sql commit;
return 0;
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