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分类: C/C++

2010-09-06 09:11:30



    CAnsiMemFile的使用非常简单,只用把下面的代码保存到一个AnsiMemFile.h头文件中(这个类没有CPP文件),然后在你的VC工程中#include "AnsiMemFile.h"就可以了。该类的接口和MF的CMemFile类基本一致,可以参考MSDN中CMemFile类的文档。

// AnsiMemFile.h: the CAnsiMemFile class.
// A memory file class without MFC
// Version: 1.0
// Data: 2005-10-27

#if !defined(AFX_ANSIMEMFILE_H__2F568214_9834_4B67_B97E_FFB21CDB61F1__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_ANSIMEMFILE_H__2F568214_9834_4B67_B97E_FFB21CDB61F1__INCLUDED_


class CAnsiMemFile
 UINT m_nGrowBytes;
 DWORD m_nPosition;
 DWORD m_nBufferSize;
 DWORD m_nFileSize;
 BYTE* m_lpBuffer;
 BOOL m_bAutoDelete;
 BYTE* Alloc(DWORD nBytes)
  return (BYTE*)malloc((UINT)nBytes);
 BYTE* Realloc(BYTE* lpMem, DWORD nBytes)
  return (BYTE*)realloc(lpMem, (UINT)nBytes);
#pragma intrinsic(memcpy)
 BYTE* Memcpy(BYTE* lpMemTarget, const BYTE* lpMemSource,
  UINT nBytes)
  assert(lpMemTarget != NULL);
  assert(lpMemSource != NULL);
  //assert(AfxIsValidAddress(lpMemTarget, nBytes));
  //assert(AfxIsValidAddress(lpMemSource, nBytes, FALSE));
  return (BYTE*)memcpy(lpMemTarget, lpMemSource, nBytes);
#pragma function(memcpy)
 void Free(BYTE* lpMem)
  assert(lpMem != NULL);
 void GrowFile(DWORD dwNewLen)
  if (dwNewLen > m_nBufferSize)
   // grow the buffer
   DWORD dwNewBufferSize = (DWORD)m_nBufferSize;
   // watch out for buffers which cannot be grown!
   assert(m_nGrowBytes != 0);
   //if (m_nGrowBytes == 0)
   // AfxThrowMemoryException();
   // determine new buffer size
   while (dwNewBufferSize < dwNewLen)
    dwNewBufferSize += m_nGrowBytes;
   // allocate new buffer
   BYTE* lpNew;
   if (m_lpBuffer == NULL)
    lpNew = Alloc(dwNewBufferSize);
    lpNew = Realloc(m_lpBuffer, dwNewBufferSize);
   if (lpNew == NULL)
    throw exception("分配内存错误!");
   m_lpBuffer = lpNew;
   m_nBufferSize = dwNewBufferSize;
 enum SeekPosition { begin = 0x0, current = 0x1, end = 0x2 };

 //nGrowBytes 该文件需要增大时的增大粒度(每次增大nGrowBytes个字节)
 CAnsiMemFile(UINT nGrowBytes = 1024)
  assert(nGrowBytes <= UINT_MAX);
  m_nGrowBytes = nGrowBytes;
  m_nPosition = 0;
  m_nBufferSize = 0;
  m_nFileSize = 0;
  m_lpBuffer = NULL;
  m_bAutoDelete = TRUE;
 CAnsiMemFile(BYTE* lpBuffer, UINT nBufferSize, UINT nGrowBytes = 0)
  assert(nGrowBytes <= UINT_MAX);
  m_nGrowBytes = nGrowBytes;
  m_nPosition = 0;
  m_nBufferSize = nBufferSize;
  m_nFileSize = nGrowBytes == 0 ? nBufferSize : 0;
  m_lpBuffer = lpBuffer;
  m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;
  // Close should have already been called, but we check anyway
  if (m_lpBuffer)
  assert(m_lpBuffer == NULL);
  m_nGrowBytes = 0;
  m_nPosition = 0;
  m_nBufferSize = 0;
  m_nFileSize = 0;


 DWORD GetPosition() const
  return m_nPosition;
 DWORD GetLength() const
  DWORD dwLen, dwCur;
  // Seek is a non const operation
  CAnsiMemFile* pFile = (CAnsiMemFile*)this;
  dwCur = pFile->Seek(0L, current);
  dwLen = pFile->SeekToEnd();
  pFile->Seek(dwCur, begin);

  return dwLen;
 const BYTE const * GetPtr() const
  return m_lpBuffer;

 void Attach(BYTE* lpBuffer, UINT nBufferSize, UINT nGrowBytes)
  assert(m_lpBuffer == NULL);
  m_nGrowBytes = nGrowBytes;
  m_nPosition = 0;
  m_nBufferSize = nBufferSize;
  m_nFileSize = nGrowBytes == 0 ? nBufferSize : 0;
  m_lpBuffer = lpBuffer;
  m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;
 BYTE* Detach()
  BYTE* lpBuffer = m_lpBuffer;
  m_lpBuffer = NULL;
  m_nFileSize = 0;
  m_nBufferSize = 0;
  m_nPosition = 0;
  return lpBuffer;
 DWORD SeekToEnd()
  return Seek(0, CAnsiMemFile::end);
 void SeekToBegin()
  Seek(0, CAnsiMemFile::begin);
 void SetLength(DWORD dwNewLen)
  if (dwNewLen > m_nBufferSize)
  if (dwNewLen < m_nPosition)
   m_nPosition = dwNewLen;
  m_nFileSize = dwNewLen;
 UINT Read(void* lpBuf, UINT nCount)
  if (nCount == 0)
   return 0;
  assert(lpBuf != NULL);
  //assert(AfxIsValidAddress(lpBuf, nCount));
  if (m_nPosition > m_nFileSize)
   return 0;
  UINT nRead;
  if (m_nPosition + nCount > m_nFileSize)
   nRead = (UINT)(m_nFileSize - m_nPosition);
   nRead = nCount;
  Memcpy((BYTE*)lpBuf, (BYTE*)m_lpBuffer + m_nPosition, nRead);
  m_nPosition += nRead;
  return nRead;
 void Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nCount)
  if (nCount == 0)
  assert(lpBuf != NULL);
  //assert(AfxIsValidAddress(lpBuf, nCount, FALSE));
  if (m_nPosition + nCount > m_nBufferSize)
   GrowFile(m_nPosition + nCount);
  assert(m_nPosition + nCount <= m_nBufferSize);
  Memcpy((BYTE*)m_lpBuffer + m_nPosition, (BYTE*)lpBuf, nCount);
  m_nPosition += nCount;
  if (m_nPosition > m_nFileSize)
   m_nFileSize = m_nPosition;
 //lOff 移动的距离
 //nFrom 指定从哪里开始移动
 //enum SeekPosition { begin = 0x0, current = 0x1, end = 0x2 };
 LONG Seek(LONG lOff, UINT nFrom)
  assert(nFrom == begin || nFrom == end || nFrom == current);
  LONG lNewPos = m_nPosition;
  if (nFrom == begin)
   lNewPos = lOff;
  else if (nFrom == current)
   lNewPos += lOff;
  else if (nFrom == end)
   lNewPos = m_nFileSize + lOff;
   return -1;
  if (lNewPos < 0)
   throw exception("Seek错误");
  m_nPosition = lNewPos;
  return m_nPosition;
 void Close()
  assert((m_lpBuffer == NULL && m_nBufferSize == 0) ||
   !m_bAutoDelete || TRUE);
  assert(m_nFileSize <= m_nBufferSize);
  m_nGrowBytes = 0;
  m_nPosition = 0;
  m_nBufferSize = 0;
  m_nFileSize = 0;
  if (m_lpBuffer && m_bAutoDelete)
  m_lpBuffer = NULL;

#endif // !defined(AFX_ANSIMEMFILE_H__2F568214_9834_4B67_B97E_FFB21CDB61F1__INCLUDED_)


下面是一个使用这个类的简单例子(Win32 Console):

// AnsiMemFilePrj.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "AnsiMemFile.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 CAnsiMemFile file;
 printf("******** BEFORE ********\n");
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 printf("SeekToBegin: \n");
 printf("SeekToEnb: %d\n", file.SeekToEnd());
 printf("Seek 100 from begin: %d\n", file.Seek(100, CAnsiMemFile::begin));
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 char szData[] = "123456789abcde";
 printf("Write a string %s to file:\n", szData);
 file.Write(szData, strlen(szData));
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 printf("Seek to begin:\n");
 memset(szData, 0, strlen(szData));
 printf("Read from file: %d\n |%s|\n", file.Read(szData, 14), szData);
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 printf("Seek to end:\n");
 memset(szData, 0, strlen(szData));
 printf("Read from file: %d\n |%s|\n", file.Read(szData, 14), szData);
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 printf("Seek to 100 from begin:\n");
 file.Seek(100, CAnsiMemFile::begin);
 memset(szData, 0, strlen(szData));
 printf("Try to read 14 bytes from file: %d bytes actually read\n |%s|\n", file.Read(szData, 14), szData);
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 /*printf("*********** CLOSE ***********\n");
 printf("Close() is called...\nAfter close:\n");
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 printf("SetLength to 5:\n");
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 printf("Seek to begin:\n");
 printf("Write a string %s (with 0) to file:\n", szData);
 file.Write(szData, strlen(szData) + 1);
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 printf("GetPtr() returns 0x%x. The string is |%s|\n\n", file.GetPtr(), file.GetPtr());
 printf("Close() is called...\nAfter close:\n");
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 printf("Seek to 56635 form end\n");
 file.Seek(65535, CAnsiMemFile::end);
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());

 memset(szData, 0, strlen(szData));
 printf("Try to read 14 bytes from file: %d bytes actually read\n |%s|\n", file.Read(szData, 14), szData);
 printf(">> Length =  %d\n", file.GetLength());
 printf(">> Position = %d\n", file.GetPosition());
 printf(">>Ptr = %x\n\n", file.GetPtr());
 return 0;
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