2009-10-17 14:29:31
Please read the following instructions to install the PowerBuilder 12 Beta software.
请根据以下的指令安装pb12 beta版本,如果你有安装PB12老的版本,请先卸载,否则有一些功能可能不正常工作。
Download PowerBuilder 12 Beta 2 and supporting tools
PB 12 Beta Installation Instructions
To install PowerBuilder, you must download the Common Installer.zip file first, and then extract its contents to install PowerBuilder 12 Beta. You cannot install PowerBuilder from the setup file in the PowerBuilder directory extracted from PowerBuilder12.zip.
在安装PB之前,你必须先下载Common Installer.zip,通过它来安装PB12 BETA的版本。如果用POWERBUILDER12.ZIP,你是不能直接安装的。
For the PowerBuilder 12 Beta program, Sybase will be using a new web based newsgroup, which can be accessed by copying and pasting this URL into your web browser’s address field:
chinaunix网友2010-08-04 00:46:51
你好, http://download.sybase.com/eval/pb12eval/PowerBuilder12.zip 有个1G左右的PowerBuilder12 Evaluation,和你贴出来的那个beta 2有什么区别呀????