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分类: 服务器与存储

2008-06-11 21:09:15


1 master server ,nbu 4.5 AIX5.2,
配有4个SSO license,4 tape drivers
1 san media server+oracle agent aix5.2
1 san media server +sap agent aix5.2
IBM 3583 磁带库,4个driver

总体结构是一个SAN 结构,通过三个博科光纤交换机相连
本来运行正常,谁知在在后续项目中,购买了nbu5.0 vault,在实施之前 ,没办法,只能升级NBU4.5至nbu5.0


1 升级之前,做好SAP的全备份;

2 SAP备份完后,禁掉sap用户调度的备份策略;

3 在NBU升级期间,SAP的备份采用硬件级的备份;

4 升级之前,对备份服务器FF_Baks 做一次全系统备份(smitty mksysb)

5 对master server的catalog信息进行备份:
.../netbackup/database, ../volmgr/db, .../netbackup/var

6 下面可以进行升级的操作了。


升级时,首先在master server上升级,然后再升级远端的media server,具体步骤如下:

注:当安装master server or media server时,必须输入企业级的license key

1 删除ovpass driver
2 删除现有的ovpass设备文件
#rmdev ?Cd ?Cl /dev/smc0
3 检查定单,查看可用的license key
4 以root用户登录
5 插入cd-rom
6 挂上光驱
7 执行安装文档
8 当出现菜单选项时,选择option 1(netbackup)



升级master server

VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

 Installation Options

1 NetBackup
2 NetBackup Client Software
3 NetBackup Client Java Software

q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 1

The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on RS6000 hardware.

NetBackup is currently at release level 4.5GA.
This package will install release level 5.0GA.
Do you want to reinstall NetBackup and Media Manager? [y,n] (y) n

Done executing NB.inst

VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

            Installation Options

            1 NetBackup
2 NetBackup Client Software
3 NetBackup Client Java Software
q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 1
The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on RS6000 hardware.
NetBackup is currently at release level 4.5GA.
This package will install release level 5.0GA.
Do you want to reinstall NetBackup and Media Manager? [y,n] (y) y
NetBackup and Media Manager will be updated to release level 5.0GA.
The RS6000 clients will be loaded.
Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? [y,n] (y) y

Choose the Platform Client Options you wish to install.
RS6000 must be installed
Platform Client Options
2. HP9000
4. Linux
6. RS6000
7. SCO
8. SGI
9. Solaris
10. All UNIX client platforms
q. quit selecting
Enter Choice(s) [1 - 10] q
You have chosen to install:
Is this the list you wish to use? [y,n] (y) n

Choose the Platform Client Options you wish to install.

RS6000 must be installed
Platform Client Options
2. HP9000
4. Linux
6. RS6000
7. SCO
8. SGI
9. Solaris
10. All UNIX client platforms
q. quit selecting
Enter Choice(s) [1 - 10] q
You have chosen to install:
Is this the list you wish to use? [y,n] (y) y
Reading client binaries for /usr/openv/netbackup/client/RS6000
x RS6000
x RS6000/AIX4.3.3
Looking for NetBackup processes that need to be terminated.
Looking for Media Manager processes that need to be terminated.
Saving /usr/openv/msg/.conf as /usr/openv/msg/.conf.4.5GA
Saving /usr/openv/msg/C as /usr/openv/msg/C.4.5GA
Saving .../netbackup/help as help.4.5GA
Saving .../netbackup/bin/goodies as bin/goodies.4.5
Reading NetBackup files from /cdrom/rs6000/anb
x usr/openv/db
x usr/openv/db/bin
x usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbd, 3008067 bytes, 5876 media blocks.
x usr/openv/db/etc
x usr/openv/db/etc/mysql
Reading NetBackup-Java GUI applications from /cdrom/NB-Java/
The Java packages for installed client types will be loaded.
cp NB-Java.install /usr/openv/NB-Java.install
cp NB-Java.tar.Z /usr/openv/NB-Java.tar.Z
cp AIX_JRE.tar.Z /usr/openv/java/AIX_JRE.tar.Z
cp /usr/openv/lib/server/rs6000/
Reading Media Manager files from /cdrom/rs6000/anb
x usr/openv/volmgr/bin/drive_mount_notify, 2860 bytes, 6 media blocks.
x usr/openv/volmgr/bin/drive_unmount_notify, 2822 bytes, 6 media blocks
Copying AIX5 Client Binaries
+ /bin/cp ./bp /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp
+ /bin/cp ./bpcd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd
+ /bin/cp ./bpdynamicclient /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdynamicclient
+ /bin/cp ./bpjava-msvc /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjava-msvc
+ /bin/cp ./bpjava-usvc /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjava-usvc
+ /bin/cp ./bpbkar /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbkar
NetBackup Enterprise Server is the active NetBackup.
Do you want to continue the installation
with the current active NetBackup license key? [y,n] (y)
All additional keys should be added at this time.
Do you want to add additional license keys now? [y,n] (y) n
Use /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/get_license_key
to add, delete or list license keys at a later time.
Installing NetBackup Enterprise Server version: 5.0GA
Checking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd.conf:         Found.
Checking for a vnetd entry in /etc/inetd.conf:         Found.
Checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd.conf:         Found.
Checking for a bpjava-msvc entry in /etc/inetd.conf:         Found.
Checking /etc/services for the needed NetBackup and Media Manager services.
Found the necessary NetBackup services in /etc/services.
Copying NetBackup startup script rc.veritas.aix found in /etc directory
to /etc/rc.veritas.aix.NBU_111504.10:29:01 for future reference. Any local
modifications to rc.veritas.aix should be re-evaluated.
To make NetBackup start up automatically when the system is restarted,
the netbackup script found in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been copied
to /etc/rc.veritas.aix. You must modify /etc/inittab to include it.
Extracting NetBackup-Java product files.
Installing NetBackup-Java, and the Java runtime environment for AIX 2 5.
Configuring NetBackup-Java runtime environment.
The installation of the NetBackup-Java product on FF_BakS is complete.
Starting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm).
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_5.x
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_Mailbox
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_2000
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_SRS
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_Public_Folders
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_KMS
Creating Directive Set for MS_SharePoint_Server
Creating Directive Set for MS_SharePoint_Workspaces
Creating Template Set for Oracle_RMAN
Creating Template Set for Oracle_XML_Export
Creating Template Set for DB2
Do you want to update the NetBackup software on the clients? [y,n] (y) n
You will have to run the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/update_clients
script yourself to update the NetBackup software on the clients.
Policy conversion summary:
Number of original policies:                        8
Number of non-snapshot policies skipped:        8
Number of policies not needing conversion:        0
Number of policies converted to
'auto' snapshot method:                        0
Number of policies converted:                        0
Number of new policies created due to
multiple clients in a policy that had
different snapshot method configurations:        0
The NetBackup Installer is now upgrading your device configuration database
in order to maintain compatibility with device discovery...
Your configuration lists Robot 0 - TLD at /dev/ovpass0.
A scan did not detect any matching physical devices, indicating that the
configuration of this device is invalid. The upgrade requires that this
device be deleted from the configuration.
Type 'c' to continue, or 'a' to abort the device upgrade. 
Robot 0 - TLD deleted.
Your configuration lists standalone drive HPIBM-C568303030D1 at /dev/rmt0.1.
Which of the following devices does this represent?
      1) HP      IBM-C568303030!DC209 at /dev/rmt0.1
      2) IBM    ULT3580-TD2    4772 at /dev/rmt1.1
      3) IBM    ULT3580-TD2    4772 at /dev/rmt2.1
      4) IBM    ULT3580-TD2    4772 at /dev/rmt3.1
      5) IBM    ULT3580-TD2    4772 at /dev/rmt4.1
      6) None of the above
Choose an option [default: 6]: You have indicated that standalone drive HPIBM-C568303030D1 at /dev/rmt0.1 is not physically connected.
The upgrade requires that this device be deleted from the configuration.
Type 'c' to continue, 'x' to return to the list, or 'a' to abort
the device upgrade. (c/x/a) Which of the following devices does this represent?
      1) HP      IBM-C568303030!DC209 at /dev/rmt0.1
      2) IBM    ULT3580-TD2    4772 at /dev/rmt1.1
      3) IBM    ULT3580-TD2    4772 at /dev/rmt2.1
      4) IBM    ULT3580-TD2    4772 at /dev/rmt3.1
      5) IBM    ULT3580-TD2    4772 at /dev/rmt4.1
      6) None of the above
Choose an option [default: 6]: Upgrade detected a drive name/drive serial number mismatch with the global
device database for drive HPIBM-C568303030D1. Upgrading the configuration of this device is invalid.
The upgrade requires that this device be deleted from the configuration.
Type 'c' to continue or 'a' to abort the device upgrade. 
Input not recognized, reenter
Type 'c' to continue or 'a' to abort the device upgrade. 
Drive HPIBM-C568303030D1 deleted.
Finished upgrading device configuration database.
Device(s) were deleted from the configuration due to lack of associated
physical connection. If your device was unattached or unavailable during
the upgrade, it can be re-configured after installation using the
Device Configuration Wizard.
MM host name is FF_BakS, no action required
Do you want to start the Media Manager device daemon processes? [y,n] (y) y
Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes.
Do you want to start the NetBackup bprd process so
backups and restores can be initiated? [y,n] (y) y
Starting the NetBackup request daemon process (bprd).
Done executing NB.inst
VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
升级san media server

    VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
      Installation Options
      1 NetBackup
      2 NetBackup Client Software
      3 NetBackup Client Java Software
      q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 1
The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on RS6000 hardware.
NetBackup is currently at release level 4.5GA.
This package will install release level 5.0GA.
Do you want to reinstall NetBackup and Media Manager? [y,n] (y) y
NetBackup and Media Manager will be updated to release level 5.0GA.
The RS6000 clients will be loaded.
Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? [y,n] (y) n
Reading client binaries for /usr/openv/netbackup/client/RS6000
x RS6000
x RS6000/AIX4.3.3
Looking for NetBackup processes that need to be terminated.
Looking for Media Manager processes that need to be terminated.
Saving /usr/openv/msg/.conf as /usr/openv/msg/.conf.4.5GA
Saving /usr/openv/msg/C as /usr/openv/msg/C.4.5GA
Reading NetBackup files from /cdrom/rs6000/anb
x usr/openv/db
x usr/openv/db/bin
x usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbd, 3008067 bytes, 5876 media blocks.
x usr/openv/db/etc
x usr/openv/db/etc/mysql
The Java packages for installed client types will be loaded.
cp NB-Java.install /usr/openv/NB-Java.install
cp NB-Java.tar.Z /usr/openv/NB-Java.tar.Z
cp AIX_JRE.tar.Z /usr/openv/java/AIX_JRE.tar.Z
cp /usr/openv/lib/server/rs6000/
Reading Media Manager files from /cdrom/rs6000/anb
x usr/openv/volmgr/bin/drive_mount_notify, 2860 bytes, 6 media blocks.
x usr/openv/volmgr/bin/drive_unmount_notify, 2822 bytes, 6 media blocks.
Copying AIX5 Client Binaries
+ /bin/cp ./bp /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp
+ /bin/cp ./bpcd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd
NetBackup Enterprise Server is the active NetBackup.
Do you want to continue the installation
with the current active NetBackup license key? [y,n] (y)
All additional keys should be added at this time.
Do you want to add additional license keys now? [y,n] (y) n
Use /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/get_license_key
to add, delete or list license keys at a later time.
Installing NetBackup Enterprise Server version: 5.0GA
Checking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd.conf:         Found.
Checking for a vnetd entry in /etc/inetd.conf:         Found.
Checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd.conf:         Found.
Checking for a bpjava-msvc entry in /etc/inetd.conf:         Found.
Checking /etc/services for the needed NetBackup and Media Manager services.
Found the necessary NetBackup services in /etc/services.
Copying NetBackup startup script rc.veritas.aix found in /etc directory
to /etc/rc.veritas.aix.NBU_111504.14:02:28 for future reference. Any local
modifications to rc.veritas.aix should be re-evaluated.
To make NetBackup start up automatically when the system is restarted,
the netbackup script found in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been copied
to /etc/rc.veritas.aix. You must modify /etc/inittab to include it.
Extracting NetBackup-Java product files.
Installing NetBackup-Java, and the Java runtime environment for AIX 2 5.
Configuring NetBackup-Java runtime environment.
The installation of the NetBackup-Java product on ERPDB is complete.
The NetBackup Installer is now upgrading your device configuration database
in order to maintain compatibility with device discovery...
Your configuration lists standalone drive HPIBM-C568303030D0 at /dev/rmt0.1.
Which of the following devices does this represent?
      1) HP      IBM-C568303030!DC209 at /dev/rmt0.1
      2) None of the above
Choose an option [default: 2]: You have indicated that standalone drive HPIBM-C568303030D0 at /dev/rmt0.1 is not physically connected.
The upgrade requires that this device be deleted from the configuration.
Type 'c' to continue, 'x' to return to the list, or 'a' to abort
the device upgrade. (c/x/a) 
Drive HPIBM-C568303030D0 deleted.
Finished upgrading device configuration database.
Device(s) were deleted from the configuration due to lack of associated
physical connection. If your device was unattached or unavailable during
the upgrade, it can be re-configured after installation using the
Device Configuration Wizard.
MM host name is ERPDB, no action required
Do you want to start the Media Manager device daemon processes? [y,n] (y) y
Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes.
Done executing NB.inst
VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
      Installation Options
      1 NetBackup
      2 NetBackup Client Software
      3 NetBackup Client Java Software
      q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: q
A trace of the install can be found in /tmp/install_trace.704670
That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful.

    When asked:
Do you want to update the NetBackup software on the clients?
(y/n) [y]
Answer y.
The script proceeds as follows:
Starting update_clients script.
There are N clients to upgrade.
Do you want the bp.conf file on the clients updated to list this
server as the master server? (y/n) [y]
Answer either y or n here.
Enter the number of simultaneous updates you wish to take place.
[1 - 30] (default: 15):
Press Enter (Return).
The upgrade will likely take Y to Z minutes.
Do you want to upgrade clients now? (y/n) [y]
Answer n.
You will need to upgrade clients later with install_client_files
or update_clients -ClientList filename.
The complete list of UNIX clients can be found in
(04-29-1533.13195 is a that changes with each execution)
After the install, edit the file /tmp/NB_CLIENT_LIST.04-29-1533.13195
appropriately for your site。

1 安全ovpass
    1 安装ovpass driver
2 为了确保系统每次重启后,ovpass driver生效
3 删除ovpass driver
#rmdel ?Cd ?Cl /dev/smc0
当系统中,己有ovpass driver时,需先删除再安装。
2 配置机械壁

1 安装SCSI passthru drivers,见上。
2 显示系统中己连接上的物理控制器
/usr/sbin/lsdev -C | grep I/O
3 显示系统己创建的scsi 设备文件
/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -s scsi
4 显示FCP SCSI设备文件
/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -s fcp
5 如果期望的机械控制壁没有创建设备文件,那么可以手工创建,如:

mkdev -c media_changer -s scsi -t ovpass -p controller -w id,lun
mkdev -c media_changer -s fcp -t ovpass -p controller -w scsi_id,lun
/usr/bin/odmget -q "name=rmtX" CuAt
而对于smc (Library Medium Changer),则需命令如下:
/usr/bin/odmget -q "name=smc0" CuAt
#/usr/bin/odmget -q "name=smc0" CuAt
     name = "smc0"
     attribute = "scsi_id"
     value = "0x30600"
     type = "R"
     generic = "DU"
     rep = "s"
     nls_index = 25
     name = "smc0"
     attribute = "lun_id"
     value = "0x1000000000000"
     type = "R"
     generic = "DU"
     rep = "s"
     nls_index = 26
     name = "smc0"
     attribute = "ww_name"
     value = "0x500308c1424ac001"
     type = "R"
     generic = "D"
     rep = "s"
     nls_index = 28
     name = "smc0"
     attribute = "devtype"
     value = "ULT3583-"
     type = "R"
     generic = "D"
     rep = "s"
     nls_index = 3
     name = "smc0"
     attribute = "primary_device"
     value = "smc0"
     type = "R"
     generic = "D"
     rep = "s"
     nls_index = 33
#lsdev -C |grep SCSI
fscsi0    Available 1V-08-01      FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
hdisk0    Available 1S-08-00-5,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1    Available 1S-08-00-8,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
rmt0       Available 1S-08-00-0,0 Differential SCSI 4mm Tape Drive
scsi0      Available 1S-08-00      PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter bus
scsi1      Available 1S-08-01      PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter bus
ses0       Available 1S-08-00-15,0 SCSI Enclosure Services Device
sisscsia0 Available 1S-08         PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter
#lsdev -C -s fcp
ovpass0 Available 1V-08-01 VERITAS Media Changer
rmt1    Available 1V-08-01 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rmt2    Available 1V-08-01 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rmt3    Available 1V-08-01 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rmt4    Available 1V-08-01 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
smc0    Available 1V-08-01 IBM 3583 Library Medium Changer (FCP)
mkdev -c media_changer -s fcp -t ovpass ?Cp fscsi0 ?Cw 0x30600,1

1 以root用户登录master server上,检查是否bprd在运行

    2 如果只有bprd在运行,表明当前没有激活的备份或还原工作,可以执行如下命令中止bprd服务
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate
3 更新unix client software通过执行update_clients角本
4 当所有的服务器端和客户端升级完成后,开始master,media 服务在master console上,


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