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分类: Java

2008-07-02 10:25:46

The WindowBuilder / SWT Designer / Swing Designer / GWT Designer palettes may be fully customized using the .

Palette Menu

Right-clicking on the palette reveals the palette configuration menu which can be used to change the settings of the palette and create and edit its categories and entries.



The palette entries may be configured to appear in column mode, list mode (the default), icon only mode and details mode.


The Palette Settings dialog allows the user to set the font used by the palette, change the layout of the entries, and configure the closing behavior used by the palette drawers.



Create a new category to contain palette entries. The category may have a name and an initial state of open, pinned or close.



Create a new palette entry representing an SWT or Swing widget. The entry must have a class, name, a description (visible as hover help in the palette) and an icon. If the widget defines its own icon in its bean info, that icon will be used by default. Icons may also be selected from disk or any of the Designer icons may be reused.

Any SWT or Swing widget class may be selected.

Any small (16x16) icon may be used to represent the widget. Icons may also be selected from disk or any of the Designer icons may be reused.


Add from

Create multiple new palette entries using widget classes from a JAR file (selected from the workspace or from disk). Optionally create a new category to add the entries to. The category name defaults to the name of the JAR.


If no widgets appear when you select a jar file, this is usually an indication that the jar file does not provide a proper JavaBean manifest readable by Sun's JavaBean manifest reader. Please contact the jar provider for a correction. As long as the jar is on your project path, you should be able to add individual widgets to the palette manually by using the command.


Create a new separator to separate entries within a single category.

Edit the selected category or entry.

Delete the selected category or entry (available only for custom components).

Restore the default SWT, Swing or GWT palette.

The Palette Manager dialog allows the SWT, Swing or GWT palette to be fully configured. Categories, entries and separators may be added, edited and removed and JAR files imported. Items may be rearranged using the Up and Down buttons or via drag and drop. The Collapse All and Expand All buttons show or hide all of the elements in the list.



Designer User Guide

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