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分类: C/C++

2009-10-19 21:09:21

代码出自bochs 2.4.1

 * misc/bximage.c
 * $Id: bximage.c,v 1.34 2009/04/14 09:45:22 sshwarts Exp $
 * Create empty hard disk or floppy disk images for bochs.

#ifdef WIN32
# include <conio.h>
# include <windows.h>
# include <winioctl.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "config.h"

#include <string.h>

#include "../osdep.h"

#include "../iodev/hdimage.h"

int bx_hdimage;
int bx_fdsize_idx;
int bx_hdsize;
int bx_hdimagemode;
int bx_interactive;
char bx_filename[256];

typedef int (*WRITE_IMAGE)(FILE*, Bit64u);
#ifdef WIN32
typedef int (*WRITE_IMAGE_WIN32)(HANDLE, Bit64u);

char *EOF_ERR = "ERROR: End of input";
char *rcsid = "$Id: bximage.c,v 1.34 2009/04/14 09:45:22 sshwarts Exp $";
char *divider = "========================================================================";

/* menu data for choosing floppy/hard disk */
char *fdhd_menu = "\nDo you want to create a floppy disk image or a hard disk image?\nPlease type hd or fd. ";
char *fdhd_choices[] = { "fd", "hd" };
int fdhd_n_choices = 2;

/* menu data for choosing floppy size */
char *fdsize_menu = "\nChoose the size of floppy disk image to create, in megabytes.\nPlease type 0.16, 0.18, 0.32, 0.36, 0.72, 1.2, 1.44, 1.68, 1.72, or 2.88.\n ";
char *fdsize_choices[] = { "0.16","0.18","0.32","0.36","0.72","1.2","1.44","1.68","1.72","2.88" };
int fdsize_n_choices = 10;

/* menu data for choosing disk mode */
char *hdmode_menu = "\nWhat kind of image should I create?\nPlease type flat, sparse or growing. ";
                char *hdmode_choices[] = {"flat", "sparse", "growing" };
int hdmode_n_choices = 3;

void myexit(int code)
#ifdef WIN32
  printf("\nPress any key to continue\n");

/* stolen from */
void bx_center_print(FILE *file, char *line, int maxwidth)
  int imax;
  int i;
  imax = (maxwidth - strlen(line)) >> 1;
  for (i=0; i<imax; i++) fputc(' ', file);
  fputs(line, file);

void print_banner()
  printf("%s\n", divider);
  bx_center_print(stdout, "bximage\n", 72);
  bx_center_print(stdout, "Disk Image Creation Tool for Bochs\n", 72);
  bx_center_print(stdout, rcsid, 72);
  printf("\n%s\n", divider);

/* this is how we crash */
void fatal(const char *c)
  printf("%s\n", c);

/* check if the argument string is present in the list -
   returns index on success, -1 on failure. */

int get_menu_index(char *arg, int n_choices, char *choice[])
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<n_choices; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(choice[i], arg)) {
      // matched, return the choice number

      return i;
  return -1;

/* remove leading spaces, newline junk at end. returns pointer to
 cleaned string, which is between s0 and the null */

char *clean_string(char *s0)
  char *s = s0;
  char *ptr;
  /* find first nonblank */
  /* truncate string at first non-alphanumeric */
  ptr = s;
  *ptr = 0;
  return s;

/* returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. The value goes into out. */
int ask_int(const char *prompt, int min, int max, int the_default, int *out)
  int n = max + 1;
  char buffer[1024];
  char *clean;
  int illegal;
  while(1) {
    printf("%s", prompt);
    printf("[%d] ", the_default);
    if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin))
      return -1;
    clean = clean_string(buffer);
    if (strlen(clean) < 1) {
      // empty line, use the default

      *out = the_default;
      return 0;
    illegal = (1 != sscanf(buffer, "%d", &n));
    if (illegal || n<min || n>max) {
      printf("Your choice (%s) was not an integer between %d and %d.\n\n",
     clean, min, max);
    } else {
      // choice is okay

      *out = n;
      return 0;

int ask_menu(const char *prompt, int n_choices, char *choice[], int the_default, int *out)
  char buffer[1024];
  char *clean;
  int i;
  *out = -1;
  while(1) {
    printf("%s", prompt);
    printf("[%s] ", choice[the_default]);
    if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin))
      return -1;
    clean = clean_string(buffer);
    if (strlen(clean) < 1) {
      // empty line, use the default

      *out = the_default;
      return 0;
    for (i=0; i<n_choices; i++) {
      if (!strcmp(choice[i], clean)) {
    // matched, return the choice number

    *out = i;
    return 0;
    printf("Your choice (%s) did not match any of the choices:\n", clean);
    for (i=0; i<n_choices; i++) {
      if (i>0) printf(", ");
      printf("%s", choice[i]);

int ask_yn(const char *prompt, int the_default, int *out)
  char buffer[16];
  char *clean;
  *out = -1;
  while (1) {
    printf("%s", prompt);
    printf("[%s] ", the_default?"yes":"no");
    if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin))
      return -1;
    clean = clean_string(buffer);
    if (strlen(clean) < 1) {
      // empty line, use the default

      *out = the_default;
      return 0;
    switch(tolower(clean[0])) {
      case 'y': *out=1; return 0;
      case 'n': *out=0; return 0;
    printf("Please type either yes or no.\n");

int ask_string(const char *prompt, char *the_default, char *out)
  char buffer[1024];
  char *clean;
  out[0] = 0;
  printf("%s", prompt);
  printf("[%s] ", the_default);
  if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin))
    return -1;
  clean = clean_string(buffer);
  if (strlen(clean) < 1) {
    // empty line, use the default

    strcpy(out, the_default);
    return 0;
  strcpy(out, clean);
  return 0;

// fileset is like memset but for a file handle

void fileset(FILE * fp, int c, size_t n)
#define BLOCK_SIZE (1024)
 int block[BLOCK_SIZE];
 size_t left_to_write = n;

 memset(block, c, sizeof(block));

 while(left_to_write > 0)
   size_t write = sizeof(block);
   if (write > left_to_write) write = left_to_write;

   if (1 != fwrite(block, write, 1, fp))
     fatal("ERROR: The disk image is not complete - could not write data block!");

   left_to_write -= write;

/* Create a suited redolog header */
void make_redolog_header(redolog_header_t *header, const char* type, Bit64u size)
  Bit32u entries, extent_size, bitmap_size;
  Bit64u maxsize;

  // Set standard header values

  strcpy((char*)header->standard.magic, STANDARD_HEADER_MAGIC);
  strcpy((char*)header->standard.type, REDOLOG_TYPE);
  strcpy((char*)header->standard.subtype, type);
  header->standard.version = htod32(STANDARD_HEADER_VERSION);
  header->standard.header = htod32(STANDARD_HEADER_SIZE);

  entries = 512;
  bitmap_size = 1;

  // Compute #entries and extent size values

  do {
     static Bit32u flip=0;

     extent_size = 8 * bitmap_size * 512;

     header->specific.catalog = htod32(entries);
     header->specific.bitmap = htod32(bitmap_size);
     header->specific.extent = htod32(extent_size);

     maxsize = (Bit64u)entries * (Bit64u)extent_size;


     if(flip&0x01) bitmap_size *= 2;
     else entries *= 2;
  } while (maxsize < size);

  header->specific.disk = htod64(size);

/* produce a flat image file */
#ifdef WIN32
int make_flat_image_win32(HANDLE hFile, Bit64u sec)
  DWORD dwCount, errCode;
  USHORT mode;
  char buffer[1024];

  dwCount = 0;
  memset(buffer, 0, 512);
  WriteFile(hFile, buffer, 512, &dwCount, NULL); // set the first sector to 0, Win98 doesn't zero out the file

                                                 // if there is a write at/over the end

  DeviceIoControl(hFile, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &mode, sizeof(mode), NULL, 0, &dwCount, NULL);
  pos.u.LowPart = (unsigned long)((sec - 1) << 9);
  pos.u.HighPart = (unsigned long)((sec - 1) >> 23);
  pos.u.LowPart = SetFilePointer(hFile, pos.u.LowPart, &pos.u.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);
  memset(buffer, 0, 512);
  if ((pos.u.LowPart == 0xffffffff && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) || !WriteFile(hFile, buffer, 512, &dwCount, NULL) || dwCount != 512)
    errCode = GetLastError();
    if (errCode == ERROR_DISK_FULL) {
      fatal("\nERROR: Not enough space on disk for image!");
    } else {
      sprintf(buffer, "\nERROR: Disk image creation failed with error code %i!", errCode);
  return 0;

int make_flat_image(FILE *fp, Bit64u sec)
  * seek to sec*512-1 and write a single character.
  * can't just do: fseek(fp, 512*sec-1, SEEK_SET)
  * because 512*sec may be too large for signed int.

  while(sec > 0)
    /* temp <-- min(sec, 4194303)
     * 4194303 is (int)(0x7FFFFFFF/512)

    long temp = (long)((sec < 4194303) ? sec : 4194303);
    fseek(fp, 512*temp, SEEK_CUR);
    sec -= temp;

  fseek(fp, -1, SEEK_CUR);
  if (fputc('\0', fp) == EOF)
    fatal("\nERROR: The disk image is not complete! (image larger then free space?)");

  return 0;

/* produce a sparse image file */
int make_sparse_image(FILE *fp, Bit64u sec)
  Bit64u numpages;
  sparse_header_t header;
  size_t sizesofar;
  size_t padtopagesize;

  memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
  header.magic = htod32(SPARSE_HEADER_MAGIC);
  header.version = htod32(SPARSE_HEADER_VERSION);

  header.pagesize = htod32((1 << 10) * 32); // Use 32 KB Pages - could be configurable

  numpages = (sec / (dtoh32(header.pagesize) / 512)) + 1;

  header.numpages = htod32((Bit32u)numpages);
  header.disk = htod64(sec * 512);

  if (numpages != dtoh32(header.numpages))
    fatal("ERROR: The disk image is too large for a sparse image!");
    // Could increase page size here.

    // But note this only happens at 128 Terabytes!


  if (fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp) != 1)
    fatal("ERROR: The disk image is not complete - could not write header!");

  fileset(fp, 0xff, 4 * dtoh32(header.numpages));

  sizesofar = SPARSE_HEADER_SIZE + (4 * dtoh32(header.numpages));
  padtopagesize = dtoh32(header.pagesize) - (sizesofar & (dtoh32(header.pagesize) - 1));

  fileset(fp, 0, padtopagesize);

  return 0;

/* produce a growing image file */
int make_growing_image(FILE *fp, Bit64u sec)
  redolog_header_t header;
  Bit32u i, not_allocated = htod32(REDOLOG_PAGE_NOT_ALLOCATED);

  memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
  make_redolog_header(&header, REDOLOG_SUBTYPE_GROWING, sec * 512);

  if (fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp) != 1) {
    fatal("ERROR: The disk image is not complete - could not write header!");

  for (i=0; i<dtoh32(header.specific.catalog); i++) {
    if (fwrite(&not_allocated, sizeof(Bit32u), 1, fp) != 1) {
      fatal("ERROR: The disk image is not complete - could not write catalog!");

  return 0;

/* produce the image file */
#ifdef WIN32
int make_image_win32 (Bit64u sec, char *filename, WRITE_IMAGE_WIN32 write_image)
  HANDLE hFile;
  char buffer[1024];

  // check if it exists before trashing someone's disk image

  if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    int confirm;
    sprintf(buffer, "\nThe disk image '%s' already exists. Are you sure you want to replace it?\nPlease type yes or no. ", filename);
    if (ask_yn(buffer, 0, &confirm) < 0)
    if (!confirm)
      fatal("ERROR: Aborted");

  // okay, now open it for writing

  if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    // attempt to print an error

    sprintf(buffer, "while opening '%s' for writing", filename);
    fatal("ERROR: Could not write disk image");

  printf("\nWriting: [");

  if((*write_image)(hFile, sec) != 0)
     fatal("ERROR: while writing disk image!");

  printf("] Done.\n");
  return 0;

int make_image(Bit64u sec, char *filename, WRITE_IMAGE write_image)
  FILE *fp;
  char buffer[1024];

  // check if it exists before trashing someone's disk image

  fp = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (fp) {
    int confirm;
    sprintf(buffer, "\nThe disk image '%s' already exists. Are you sure you want to replace it?\nPlease type yes or no. ", filename);
    if (ask_yn(buffer, 0, &confirm) < 0)
    if (!confirm)
      fatal("ERROR: Aborted");

  // okay, now open it for writing

  fp = fopen(filename, "w");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    // attempt to print an error

    sprintf(buffer, "while opening '%s' for writing", filename);
    fatal("ERROR: Could not write disk image");

  printf("\nWriting: [");

  if((*write_image)(fp, sec) != 0)
     fatal("ERROR: while writing disk image!");

  printf("] Done.\n");
  return 0;

void print_usage()
    "Usage: bximage [options] [filename]\n\n"
    "Supported options:\n"
    " -fd create floppy image\n"
    " -hd create hard disk image\n"
    " -mode=... image mode (hard disks only)\n"
    " -size=... image size in megabytes\n"
    " -q quiet mode (don't prompt for user input)\n"
    " --help display this help and exit\n\n");

int parse_cmdline(int argc, char *argv[])
  int arg = 1;
  int ret = 1;

  bx_hdimage = -1;
  bx_fdsize_idx = -1;
  bx_hdsize = -1;
  bx_hdimagemode = -1;
  bx_interactive = 1;
  bx_filename[0] = 0;
  while ((arg < argc) && (ret == 1)) {
    // parse next arg

    if (!strcmp("--help", argv[arg]) || !strncmp("/?", argv[arg], 2)) {
      ret = 0;
    else if (!strcmp("-fd", argv[arg])) {
      bx_hdimage = 0;
      bx_hdimagemode = 0;
    else if (!strcmp("-hd", argv[arg])) {
      bx_hdimage = 1;
      bx_fdsize_idx = 0;
    else if (!strncmp("-mode=", argv[arg], 6)) {
      if (bx_hdimage == 1) {
        bx_hdimagemode = get_menu_index(&argv[arg][6], hdmode_n_choices, hdmode_choices);
        if (bx_hdimagemode < 0) {
          printf("Unknown image mode: %s\n\n", &argv[arg][6]);
          ret = 0;
      } else {
        printf("Image mode option only supported for hard disks\n\n");
        ret = 0;
    else if (!strncmp("-size=", argv[arg], 6)) {
      if (bx_hdimage == 0) {
        bx_fdsize_idx = get_menu_index(&argv[arg][6], fdsize_n_choices, fdsize_choices);
        if (bx_fdsize_idx < 0) {
          printf("Unknown floppy image size: %s\n\n", &argv[arg][6]);
          ret = 0;
      } else if (bx_hdimage == 1) {
        if (sscanf(&argv[arg][6], "%d", &bx_hdsize) != 1) {
          printf("Error in hard disk image size argument: %s\n\n", &argv[arg][6]);
          ret = 0;
        } else if ((bx_hdsize < 1) || (bx_hdsize > 32255)) {
          printf("Hard disk image size out of range\n\n");
          ret = 0;
      } else {
        printf("Image type (fd/hd) not specified\n\n");
    else if (!strcmp("-q", argv[arg])) {
      bx_interactive = 0;
    else if (argv[arg][0] == '-') {
      printf("Unknown option: %s\n\n", argv[arg]);
      ret = 0;
    } else {
      strcpy(bx_filename, argv[arg]);
  if (bx_hdimage == -1) {
    bx_hdimage = 1;
    bx_fdsize_idx = 6;
    bx_interactive = 1;
  if (bx_hdimage == 1) {
    if (bx_hdimagemode == -1) {
      bx_hdimagemode = 0;
      bx_interactive = 1;
    if (bx_hdsize == -1) {
      bx_hdsize = 10;
      bx_interactive = 1;
  } else {
    if (bx_fdsize_idx == -1) {
      bx_fdsize_idx = 6;
      bx_interactive = 1;
  if (!strlen(bx_filename)) {
    bx_interactive = 1;
  return ret;

int CDECL main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Bit64s sectors = 0;
  char filename[256];
  char bochsrc_line[256];

  WRITE_IMAGE write_function=NULL;
#ifdef WIN32
  WRITE_IMAGE_WIN32 writefn_win32=NULL;

  /* 分析命令行参数 */
  if (!parse_cmdline(argc, argv))

  if (bx_interactive) {
    if (ask_menu(fdhd_menu, fdhd_n_choices, fdhd_choices, bx_hdimage, &bx_hdimage) < 0)
  /* 硬盘镜像 */
  if (bx_hdimage) {
    unsigned int cyl;
    int hdsize, heads=16, spt=63;
    int mode;

    if (bx_interactive) {
      if (ask_menu(hdmode_menu, hdmode_n_choices, hdmode_choices, bx_hdimagemode, &mode) < 0)
        fatal (EOF_ERR);
      if (ask_int("\nEnter the hard disk size in megabytes, between 1 and 129023\n", 1, 129023, bx_hdsize, &hdsize) < 0)
    } else {
      mode = bx_hdimagemode;
      hdsize = bx_hdsize;
    cyl = (unsigned int) (hdsize*1024.0*1024.0/16.0/63.0/512.0);
    assert (cyl < 262144);
    sectors = cyl*heads*spt;
    printf("\nI will create a '%s' hard disk image with\n", hdmode_choices[mode]);
    printf(" cyl=%d\n", cyl);
    printf(" heads=%d\n", heads);
    printf(" sectors per track=%d\n", spt);
    printf(" total sectors=" FMT_LL "d\n", sectors);
    printf(" total size=%.2f megabytes\n", (float)(Bit64s)(sectors/2)/1024.0);
    if (bx_interactive) {
      if (!strlen(bx_filename)) strcpy(bx_filename, "c.img");
      if (ask_string("\nWhat should I name the image?\n", bx_filename, filename) < 0)
    } else {
      strcpy(filename, bx_filename);

    sprintf(bochsrc_line, "ata0-master: type=disk, path=\"%s\", mode=%s, cylinders=%d, heads=%d, spt=%d", filename, hdmode_choices[mode], cyl, heads, spt);

    switch (mode) {
      case 1:
      case 2:
#ifdef WIN32
  } else { /* 软盘镜像 */
    int fdsize, cyl=0, heads=0, spt=0; /* cyl:柱面数, heads:磁头数, spt:每个磁道的扇区数 */
    if (bx_interactive) {
      if (ask_menu(fdsize_menu, fdsize_n_choices, fdsize_choices, bx_fdsize_idx, &fdsize) < 0)
    } else {
      fdsize = bx_fdsize_idx;
    switch (fdsize) {
      case 0: cyl=40; heads=1; spt=8; break; /* 0.16 meg */
      case 1: cyl=40; heads=1; spt=9; break; /* 0.18 meg */
      case 2: cyl=40; heads=2; spt=8; break; /* 0.32 meg */
      case 3: cyl=40; heads=2; spt=9; break; /* 0.36 meg */
      case 4: cyl=80; heads=2; spt=9; break; /* 0.72 meg */
      case 5: cyl=80; heads=2; spt=15; break; /* 1.2 meg */
      case 6: cyl=80; heads=2; spt=18; break; /* 1.44 meg */
      case 7: cyl=80; heads=2; spt=21; break; /* 1.68 meg */
      case 8: cyl=82; heads=2; spt=21; break; /* 1.72 meg */
      case 9: cyl=80; heads=2; spt=36; break; /* 2.88 meg */
        fatal("ERROR: fdsize out of range");
    sectors = cyl*heads*spt;
    printf("I will create a floppy image with\n");
    printf(" cyl=%d\n", cyl);
    printf(" heads=%d\n", heads);
    printf(" sectors per track=%d\n", spt);
    printf(" total sectors=" FMT_LL "d\n", sectors);
    printf(" total bytes=" FMT_LL "d\n", sectors*512);
    if (bx_interactive) {
      if (!strlen(bx_filename)) strcpy(bx_filename, "a.img");
      if (ask_string("\nWhat should I name the image?\n", bx_filename, filename) < 0)
    } else {
      strcpy(filename, bx_filename);
    sprintf(bochsrc_line, "floppya: image=\"%s\", status=inserted", filename);

  if (sectors < 1)
    fatal("ERROR: Illegal disk size!");
  if (strlen (filename) < 1)
    fatal("ERROR: Illegal filename");
#ifdef WIN32
  if (writefn_win32 != NULL) {
    make_image_win32(sectors, filename, writefn_win32);
    make_image(sectors, filename, write_function);
  printf("\nI wrote " FMT_LL "u bytes to ", sectors*512);
  printf("%s.\n", filename);
  printf("\nThe following line should appear in your bochsrc:\n");
  printf(" %s\n", bochsrc_line);
#ifdef WIN32
  if (OpenClipboard(NULL)) {
    HGLOBAL hgClip;
    hgClip = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, (strlen(bochsrc_line) + 1));
    strcpy((char *)GlobalLock(hgClip), bochsrc_line);
    SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hgClip);
    printf("(The line is stored in your windows clipboard, use CTRL-V to paste)\n");

  // make picky compilers (c++, gcc) happy,

  // even though we leave via 'myexit' just above

  return 0;

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