There are man pages for the isoinfo, isodir, and isoread commands.
The 'part' command is your friend for identifying devices, and finding their names. It isn't just something to use when installing a new system.
On a running Minix system, as root type "part" at the command line. On the display that results, initially /dev/c0d0 will be highlighted. This device is always a hard disk. Type 'r' to see how it is partitioned. Type '+' to move on to the next major device, which will be /dev/c0d1. It is possible there will be no device corresponding to this name. If a device is present you will see how it is partitioned. If there is no device there you will see
"/dev/c0d1: No such device or address"
Now press '+' again, to see /dev/c0d2. If it is the CD-ROM drive and there is no CD currently in the drive you will see:
"/dev/c0d2: Readonly
/dev/c0d2: I/O error
/dev/c0d2: Invalid partition table (reset)"
If there is a CD in the drive, but it is not a Minix CD you will see:
"/dev/c0d2: Readonly
/dev/c0d2: Invalid partition table (reset)"
If there is a Minix CD in the drive CD you will see just the readonly message and the partition table.
In most cases you will find the CD-ROM drive is c0d2, but it could also be c0d1 or c0d3.
With a standard installation CD-ROM for Minix 3, the CD will appear to have three Minix partitions. However, p0 is not really a Minix file system, and it can't be mounted.
You can read the directory of a non-Minix CD or of p0 of a Minix CD with the isodir command:
asw> isodir /dev/c0d2
bootflop.img readme.txt setup.pdf
(Note that you don't need to specify a partition, to the isodir command there is no difference between the 0th partition and the entire CD).
To access the Minix-formatted partitions you must mount them, like this (note the -r is important for a CD, a read-only device):
asw> mount -r /dev/c0d2p1 /mnt
/dev/c0d2p1 is read-only mounted on /mnt
To read the files on p0 or on a non-Minix CD use isoread. It outputs to standard output, so for a long file you can pipe it to "more" to read on the screen or you can redirect to a file to save on your hard disk:
For instance, to read a file:
asw> isoread /dev/c0d2 readme.txt | more
or to copy from the CD to the current Minix directory:
asw> isoread /dev/c0d2 readme.txt > readme.txt
The remaining iso* command is isoinfo. Like isodir it sees the entire CD and the 0th partition as the same thing. For a Minix disk this is all it sees, that is, the size it reports is only the size of the iso-formatted part of the CD, and doesn't include the space used by p1, p2, or p3.
- Al
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