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分类: 嵌入式

2009-03-22 11:23:46



 * Read a line from the top file in istk, handling multiple CR/LFs
 * at the end of the line read, and handling spurious ^Zs. Will
 * return lines from the standard macro set if this has not already
 * been done.

 * 先处理nasm自己定义的宏定义,等宏定义处理完之后在处理

static char *read_line(void)
    char *buffer, *p, *q;
    int bufsize, continued_count;

    if (stdmacpos)
        if (*stdmacpos)
            char *ret = nasm_strdup(*stdmacpos++);
            if (!*stdmacpos && any_extrastdmac) /* 判断是否到达stdmacpos最后一个参数,并且是否有额外的宏要处理 */
                stdmacpos = extrastdmac;
                any_extrastdmac = FALSE;
                return ret;
             * Nasty hack: here we push the contents of `predef' on
             * to the top-level expansion stack, since this is the
             * most convenient way to implement the pre-include and
             * pre-define features.

            if (!*stdmacpos) /* 宏定义是否处理完了 */
                Line *pd, *l;
                Token *head, **tail, *t;

                /* 将 predef(static Line *) 链表复制到一份副本到 istk->expansion,但是其总的l->finishes = FALSE(bug?逻辑上应该是l->finishes = NULL) */
                for (pd = predef; pd; pd = pd->next)
                    head = NULL;
                    tail = &head;
                    for (t = pd->first; t; t = t->next) /* 复制pd->first(Token *)链表 */
                        *tail = new_Token(NULL, t->type, t->text, 0);
                        tail = &(*tail)->next;
                    l = nasm_malloc(sizeof(Line));
                    l->next = istk->expansion; /* 插入链表头 */
                    l->first = head;
                    l->finishes = FALSE;
                    istk->expansion = l;
            return ret;
            stdmacpos = NULL;

    bufsize = BUF_DELTA; /* #define BUF_DELTA 512 */
    buffer = nasm_malloc(BUF_DELTA); /* 建立缓冲区 */
    p = buffer;
    continued_count = 0; /* 与处理行号有关 */
    while (1) {
        q = fgets(p, bufsize - (p - buffer), istk->fp); /* 行输入 */
        if (!q)
        p += strlen(p);
        /* 将通过续行符分开的代码语句合并成单行的一条语句 */
        if (p > buffer && p[-1] == '\n') {
            /* Convert backslash-CRLF line continuation sequences into
               nothing at all (for DOS and Windows) */

            if (((p - 2) > buffer) && (p[-3] == '\\') && (p[-2] == '\r')) {
                p -= 3;
                *p = 0;
            /* Also convert backslash-LF line continuation sequences into
               nothing at all (for Unix) */

            else if (((p - 1) > buffer) && (p[-2] == '\\')) {
                p -= 2;
                *p = 0;
            } else {
        if (p - buffer > bufsize - 10) { /* 如果缓冲区不充足,则在原来大小的基础上 +BUF_DELTA */
            long offset = p - buffer;
            bufsize += BUF_DELTA;
            buffer = nasm_realloc(buffer, bufsize);
            p = buffer + offset; /* prevent stale-pointer problems */

    if (!q && p == buffer) {
        return NULL;

    src_set_linnum(src_get_linnum() + istk->lineinc + /* 改变行号 */
                   (continued_count * istk->lineinc));

     * Play safe: remove CRs as well as LFs, if any of either are
     * present at the end of the line.

    while (--p >= buffer && (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r'))
        *p = '\0';

     * Handle spurious ^Z, which may be inserted into source files
     * by some file transfer utilities.

    buffer[strcspn(buffer, "\032")] = '\0';
    list->line(LIST_READ, buffer); /* listing.c 中实现 */

    return buffer;

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