今天在更新数据库字段信息的时候,在SQL Server 2000 中试图使用如下sql语句:
UPDATE tables1 SET sql= "select id from table2 with(nolock)
inner join table3 request with(nolock) on table3 .id = table2.column1Id
inner join table4 bundle with(nolock) on table4 .id = table2..column2Id
where table1.series in('220-602','220-603','220-604','JK0-602','JK0-603',
报错:The identifier that starts with 'xxxxx' is too long. Maximum length is 128. 此sql字段为varchar(8000), 显然长度并没有超出8000. Google了一下,发现并不是字段长度的问题,原来是引号上面出了问题。
UPDATE tables1 SET sql= 'select id from table2 with(nolock)
inner join table3 request with(nolock) on table3 .id = table2.column1Id
inner join table4 bundle with(nolock) on table4 .id = table2..column2Id
where table1.series in(""220-602"",""220-603"",""220-604"",""JK0-602"",""JK0-603"",
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