Where is "Fluent " located and how do I access it?
The present version of Fluent is 6.3. The programs in the Fluent package are located in the directory /opt/fluent/Fluent.Inc/.
To use Fluent on the HPCVL Sun Fire's, you have to be covered by a Fluent license outside of HPCVL, i.e. you have to be a "licensed trained University User of Fluent". It is furthermore required that you read our , and sign . We will confirm your statement, and you will then be made a member of a Unix group "fluent", which enables you to run the software. Contact us if you are in doubt of whether you will be able to run Fluent on our system.
The Fluent license is "seat limited" and "process limited". At present, there are 24 Fluent seats available on our system, i.e. 24 separate sessions can be run simultaneously (serial or parallel). In addition, it is possible to run up to 96 "parallel only" processes in total. This means that at best you can run a parallel Fluent job using 120 processes: one process for the job, 96 additional ones in parallel, and another 23 from the remaining seats, as Fluent substitutes seat processes for parallel-only ones when it runs out of the latter. Another scenario would be 24 users have 5-process parallel jobs running, each with one master (i.e. seat) and 4 slaves (parallel only), thus using up all available Fluent resources.
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