来自Rene Spronk,是对
We need to lower the hurdle for implementers to use HL7 v3. This column
proposes a couple of ways how to ease the use of Hl7 v3 by implementers.
Given the rising number of v3 implementations we have now been able to
collect v3 implementation experiences and feedback from a number of
implementers. This has lead me to believe that as an organization we are
too much focused on the ‘standards development process’.
Most of what we do as an organization is in support of the creation of
standards. We focus on the analysis, the HDF and the creation of all
sorts of detailed models. And even though we have plenty of implementers
in the standards development community, we probably have lost touch
with one important group of standards adopters: the newbie HL7 v3
Newbie HL7 v3 implementers need a different “view” on the materials.
They don’t need the whys, wherefores and deep clinical reasons as to why
certain things are modeled in certain ways. They require access mostly
from an XML oriented starting point: how do I get v3 interactions up and
running and what are the necessary components that I should be aware
of. This requires a different view of the standard, which is bottom-up
from the technology perspective, and not top-down from a modelers
In the early days of HL7 version 2 new additions to the standard were
implemented before they documented and turned into a standard. That's
the ultimate version of implementer-driven standards creation: only
create/document standards that are known to be already implemented.
Given that HL7 version 3 relies on modeling a different approach was
used - which attracted those volunteers that like abstract modeling
(dubbed the 'semantic propellorheads' by someone this week) to the
organization, whilst decreasing the involvement of the implementers.
If we want to increase adoption of our standards we need to lower the
hurdle for implementers to start working with HL7 v3. Below some ideas
(in no particular order)
- A "HL7 v3 for implementers book": I frequently get asked if
there's a v3 book for implementers. If it were to describe an
implementers view of the standard, combined with best practices and
implementation guidance, and pointers to additional implementation
oriented information and tools, it would be an invaluable resource. The
current books related to HL7 v3 are all geared towards the standards
developers. The creation of such a book would require an up-front
investment by whomever is going to write it.
- Examples, examples, examples: Examples (HL7 v3 XML
Instances) are of key importance in understanding the standard, for
testing, but also for software development (quite often development is
driven by the available examples). The published HL7 v3 standard
contains a few examples - which don't validate, and are old. here has
been an initiative a couple of years ago to 'force' the standards
developers to publish examples along with their domain content - but
apparently that initiative has failed, for there are next to none
- Tools for implementers: Availability of off-the-shelf
APIs and other open source tooling, guidance as how one could use
cross-industry generic approaches and tools to implement HL7 version 3.
It is encouraging that a number of tools has become available to aid the
implementation of HL7 v3, notably , a based code generator.
- Stable software processable HL7 v3 specifications: Implementers either base their implementations on the XML Schema, or (better yet) on the .
Neither the Schema, nor the MIF are normative/stable. Backwards
compatibility of either format isn't assured by the standards
development process. MIF have to become normative, and be subject to
backwards compatibility rules, to really offer implementers the chance
to build their software based on a software processable version of the
HL7 v3 specifications.
- Hotline e-mail address: If as an implementer one has a question, you get lost in the 50+ e-mail lists that are available on the .
It should be relatively easy to create a support@hl7.org e-mail
address, publish it far and wide as part of the marketing efforts, and
triage/route the e-mails to the appropriate e-mail list.
Some of the above suggestions could be interpreted as a statement that
implementers should be able to get away with an example-driven
quick-and-dirty implementation of HL7 v3. That approach may work if one
only ever has to support one single HL7 v3 message - in all other
circumstances one simply will have to deal with the semantic richness
and complexity of the HL7 v3 RIM. The above suggestions will make it
easier for those that implement HL7 v3 'the right way' to implement HL7
v3 interfaces.
Some of the above suggestions are easy to implement, others are hard.
Please work with me to increase the awareness within the HL7
organization that we have to satisfy the requirements of the
implementers - after all, they are a driving force in the adoption of
HL7 version 3.
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