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2013-07-19 23:10:56


DOTA 2 now available on Mac and Linux

Latest MOBA update also includes new Earthshaker model and effects, along with new user interface and gameplay tweaks.

Valve's MOBA title DOTA 2 is now available for Mac and Linux users, thanks to a

The minimum requirements for the Mac version include the Mac OS X Lion 10.7, 4GB of RAM, 8GB of hard drive space, and an nVidia 320M graphics card or higher. The minimum specs for the Linux version include the Ubuntu 12.04 OS, dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8GHz, 4GB of RAM, 8GB of hard drive space, an nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT card or higher, and an OpenAl compatible sound card.

The update also fixes the user interface, specifically adding automatic detection of GG calls in tournament and practice lobby matches, as well as adding a tournament drop for early roshan kills. In terms of visuals, players have access to a new Earthshaker model and effects. Abaddon's Borrowed Time effect and healing is more distinct.

Gameplay balances and fixes are added as well. For example, Medusa's Stone Gaze facing requirement is now ntaking distance into account once the debuff is added, while Omniknight's Guardian Angel spell now affects Siege units.

The full list of changes in the new patch are listed on Valve's official DOTA 2 blog.

英文的就不翻译了俺英文不好就看了个大概哈哈 而且也不知道怎么装,目前可能国内还无法下载安装。

之前1月份就有消息说Valve要开发linux下的游戏 而且有说暴雪也要加入linux游戏阵营 他们认为Windows8是游戏的灾难

Valve曾发出“Windows 8将会是游戏开发灾难”的宣言,并大举进军Linux游戏领域。现在,Blizzard也对此表示赞同,并宣布将于年内发布至少一款Linux原生游戏。Linux会是更好的游戏平台?至少是越来越好了!

Linux似乎正成为更好的游戏平台。去年,Valve高调地推出Steam Linux客户端,并将Source Engine上的游戏移植到Linux,此后很多游戏工作室纷纷表示对Linux很有兴趣,尤其是Linux Steam控制台。除了Valve,Egosoft、THQ、 Overhaul Games等或大或小的公司、团队都开始讨论起Linux游戏开发计划。

现在甚至Blizzard Entertainment也表示同意Valve的观点“Windows 8将是PC游戏开发的大灾难”,将于今年为Linux开发至少一款主流游戏。World of Warcraft有个内部使用的原生Linux版本,这早已是一个公开的秘密了,所以它会是Blizzard今年将发布的第一款Linux原生应用吗

好吧现在这个Linux版的DOTA2出来了 Valve动作还真快 下个是暴雪吗?
一直以来Linux下的图形桌面特别是游戏能力受诟病,而且Linux版本众多缺少稳定的平台,不过目前来看这个情况在改善 ,Valve选中的Ubuntu12.04就是,我用的就是这个现在已经很少转回windows。 就桌面而言GTK3.8使用Wayland OpenGL等做后端 桌面应该有改善吧值得期待。
不知道 史蒂夫·鲍尔默先生 现在是何感想!

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